
Showing posts from July, 2020

America's Broken Education System

Intro America's Broken Industrial Conform School Education System of The 1948 Existence Rights via YouTube

Hidden Hebrews 2 - Children of Judah

The Hidden Negro Jews School 2 - Hebrew Children of Woke Judah pre Cousin Heinrich Graetz's proverb print & published paperback byword via YouTube #genxennial #woketube #altmatters #thinkblacktank # #transangelic #godish #femaleleadership #lennybruceweek #rabbihop #timbuktucrew #masonlove #ogmatters

a Little Kitten Very Angry about Not Playing With Him


Grand Master Jay talks about the state of black people in this country a...

Grand Master Jay talks about the state of the wholesale indictment of government crack cocaine to my kind of cohesive imperfect strong black male coffee | Intro to The 50th anniversary of being declared a human being 101 now this generations security in this museum country to protect our Queens peaceably... via YouTube #unitedagainstcorruption #genxennial #polihood #coonism #mammiefication #motionhustlerspictures #afterlifematters #altmatter #whitepanthers #woketube #PTSlaveD

The Spanish Flu & How The World Recovered (1918-1929) History Documentary


Why Are Studs So Damn Toxic?


Why crazy legs never speaks about the two founding members they were lik...

Why veteran captain crazy legs still hasn't writ The Rock Steady Crew Bronx Break Battle Chronicles Book that speaks about the two founding Windmill members like they were familia ocupante de la backspin casa. via YouTube #wokehop #unitedagainstcorruption

Attempted Lynching in Indiana. Meet the Survivor, Human Rights Commissio...

Attempted Lynching in Indiana. Meet the Survivor, Meet the Survivor, Human Rights Commissioner Vauhxx Booker... via @YouTube

Top 5 Warrior African Queens

Top 5 Out of The Box African Love Audacity Queen Warriors via YouTube #unitedagainstcorruption #mammiefication #coonism #afroconfederate #altmatters #transangelic #thinkblacktank #genxennial #motionhustlerspictures #zuluscrown #wokeschool

Professor Griff RESPONDS To Viacom Firing Nick Cannon Over Anti-Semitic ...

Cut Off Professor Griff and Woke Rabbi Allies in Post Balfour Serious Truth Talks Counsel 30th Anniversary Equal Peoples RESPONSE To Viacom Firing Negro Nick Cannon Over Anti-Semitic Sector Faction Male Media Hate Claim... via YouTube #unitedagainstcorruption #polihood #whitepanthers #thinkblacktank #whiteschool #altmatters #wokeface #neckhop #coonism #herstory

'Sending A Message' To White Supremacy: After Armed Black Militia Marche...

'Sending A Positive Message With Love' To White Woke Supremacy: “First of all, let’s not bring up Black-on-Black crime unless we bring up every other demographics whose crime [statistics] are comparable,”local officials as being responsible for “the deteriorating love and the sociological condition, Intro to The Post 1979 Greensboro Massacre Militia 101. via YouTube #wokehop #genxennial #transangelic #thinkblacktank #altmatters #whitepanthers #whiteschool #niggabotz #unitedagainstcorruption #hoevid19 #polihood

A video of a black girl. 2 white guys hanging her up I will put the vide...

MF Tortures Rapeos Killing Innocent People Let KSOLO Deal Wit That: WANTED 2 white guys video hanging black girl up KKK ... via @YouTube #thinkblacktank #whitepanthers #unitedagainstcorruption

The famous Rock steady Crew. Why they started killing each other the k's...

Intro to The End of The First Woke Generation Break Dancers Revenge | The World Famous Hey You The Rock Steady Crew Olschool B-Boys Deadly Electric Boogaloo 101. Why they started killing each other? Re: how did Kuriaki & Buck 4 from Rock Steady Crew Organisation pass away? They were both executed by people they knew. Their death was to say the least disturbing in so many levels. They died on separate occasions, but each more brutal then the other. Sincerely, The wife of Kuriaki via YouTube #zuluscrown #motionhustlerspictures #thinkblacktank #unitedagainstcorruption #altmatters #genxennial #transangelic #polihood #wokehop #visionforce #newenergy #steadystyle #radioactivemasonicrockers #galacticcrew #somethindifferent #futurewave #breakdanceeightythree #breakinnews

Family Affair Star Anissa Jones' Awkward Interview | The Dick Cavett Show

That Family Affair Star Anissa Jones' Awkward Interview with Shook Dick Cavett Showing Off And Sammy DJR Be Woke Lollin' Like ,"Son I'm Dead!" https:// via @YouTube #motionhustlerspictures #factz21andon #hollywould #polihood #dayo #genxennial