
Showing posts with the label Alberta

I can't believe 50 years since the civil rights act and things are far from civil

Image why aren't Afro Canadians protesting? Our state is complacent transient at best unfortunately until it happens here it just might be another day at the news park. 600 years of conditioning needs a reboot urgently. If only   the young able bodied boys out there could focus on uniting organizing educating and contradicting the system designed to eternally damn us. The only way is crash deprogramming not by only one person but all over 30 that know should do this to brethren as tradition from now on a small dip of W history and boycott commercialized vulture controlled hip hop which has branded a people for 30 years of the same if not worse esteem sub culture not  united as punk rock or even jazz now is. In the 90's the ball was dropped as our demographic was a new generation of naive 20 sames and our forebears were sweating to make our homestead while the oppressed were starting to grow a new birth rate of "...

Post Winter Storm 2013

Premiers of the Province of Canada Pauline Marois Quebec Alison Redford Alberta Christy Clark British Columbia Kathy Dunderdale Newfoundland and Labrador Eva Aariak Nunavut Kathleen Wynne Ontario

Justin Bieber chilling Yorkville Toronto before the show!!

Vlog of the moment before Grey Cup 100th half time show. Fans wait outside Justin Bieber's hotel in Yorkville, Toronto, Canada. I make attempt for a press pass from a roadie! Its going to be a real Blowout tonight! The Guess Who also!

Conversation with Justin Trudeau @ UOFT Reichmann Theatre

Image Urokz VLOG Hosts Semra Sevi and Jonathan Scott of University of Toronto Liberals,  have Converstaion with Justin Trudeau. Q and A: On Stephen Harper's fear on French, bringing First Nation Natives, making tough decisions, Not layering  more on Bill 101, Pipeline. Event held  at Reichmann Theatre (Earth Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, 22 Russell Street Toronto, Ontario M5S3B1 CANADA Voice +1 416 978 3022. FAX +1 416 978 3938) Event organised by

Conversation with Justin Trudeau @ UOFT Reichmann Theatre

Image Urokz VLOG  Urokz VLOG Hosts Semra Sevi and Jonathan Scott of University of Toronto Liberals,  have Converstaion with Justin Trudeau. Q and A:on the last election, Jean Charest nine years Quebeckers were tired, provincial elections in Alberta, and Quebec wanted change. Fixing broken bridges. Event held at Reichmann Theatre (Earth Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, 22 Russell Street Toronto, Ontario M5S3B1 CANADA Voice +1 416 978 3022. FAX +1 416 978 3938) Event organised by

Conversation with Justin Trudeau @ UOFT Reichmann Theatre

Image Urokz VLOG Hosts Semra Sevi and Jonathan Scott of University of Toronto Liberals,  have Converstaion with Justin Trudeau. Q and A: Justin Trudeau speaking at UOFT about the way to get young people to vote is by listening to them and encouraging them to volunteer. Thanking the audience! Appreciating their support! Event held at Reichmann Theatre (Earth Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, 22 Russell Street Toronto, Ontario M5S3B1 CANADA Voice +1 416 978 3022. FAX +1 416 978 3938) Event organised by

Conversation with Justin Trudeau @ UOFT Reichmann Theatre

Image Urokz VLOG Hosts Semra Sevi and Jonathan Scott of University of Toronto Liberals  , have Converstaion with Justin Trudeau. Q and A: Justin Trudeau in the running for Liberal leader, speaking on the worries of Quebec, the middle class and debts. The question of Quebec politics and keeping the country together. Sovereignty is not the treat it once was even though Quebeckers feel disengaged. Event held at Reichmann Theatre (Earth Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, 22 Russell Street Toronto, Ontario M5S3B1 CANADA Voice +1 416 978 3022. FAX +1 416 978 3938) Event organised by

Conversation with Justin Trudeau @ UOFT Reichmann Theatre

Image Urokz VLOG Hosts Semra Sevi and Jonathan Scott of University of Toronto Liberals  , have Converstaion with Justin Trudeau. Q and A: Converstaion with Justin Trudeau at The University of Toronto: Justin Trudeau encourages public towards joining and volunteering for the Liberal party.Thanking the students and general audience for their time and support! Event held at Reichmann Theatre (Earth Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, 22 Russell Street Toronto, Ontario M5S3B1 CANADA Voice +1 416 978 3022. FAX +1 416 978 3938) Event organised by