
Showing posts with the label Millenials

Post Winter Storm 2013

Premiers of the Province of Canada Pauline Marois Quebec Alison Redford Alberta Christy Clark British Columbia Kathy Dunderdale Newfoundland and Labrador Eva Aariak Nunavut Kathleen Wynne Ontario

James Franco and Seth Rogan Do Kanye West's Bound 2: See it Side by Side


while still on top

Image Yet they did travel through time in many Nexus like Kirk...this will shock your kids into a animation tantrum. Still unheard of since the famous Road "beep! beep" Runner Days. Mel Blanc the genius behind Bugs-Fred lived long enough to finish appearances into the 90's. When he passed away his replacement his son Noel Blanc   was just as sufficient for legacy and life continued as kids then accepted life and death happen..Mr. Hooper was already a little over "kill" I mean the dude was like already 80 some yet an extremely pivotal parsonage.   Jim Henson was a heavier blow to kids because he was "Kermit" incarnate and Walt was frozen into re runs and his brother's son  Roy E. Disney sufficiently made me convinced it was still real Walt with grayer hair till 2009.

Screenwriters LOWELL GANZ & BABALOO MANDEL: Tricks of the Tr

Image See What John Lennon Would Look Like at 73 (Hint: Kind of Like a College Professor!) Photo from Michael Galinsky's  Malls of America series .

Deadly shooting at Greek Golden Dawn office

Image So this is what happens when one generation later 1989 has been conditioned by the elders extremism. We claim to trust that the wisdom of the elders was always wise. The hypothetical voice of reason  courses anarchy by the militant violence lived everyday. To gain a stronghold for fear of manipulation by some other wise "know it all". It is easier to live in fear for the right to freedom and opportunity and independence. Yet how that is controlled takes wise organization of what the industrial world systematically constructed with towers and skyscrapers back in the early twentieth century. Today it's Hip Hop versus extremism world wide as these GenXer's are crusin' for bruisin' of self fulfillled anarchy.  God save the kings and queens.


FRESH ZULUS: Where Were You in MCMLXXXII ?  Createspace Indiegogo Start Up for Fresh Zulus Black men in pain need our help Getting ready for NY first  woman president in 2016! Welcome to the future! We are looking good healthy. I thought, what of our ancestors probably having it nowhere near better into their era of existence. Same issues common of democracy wealth health labor and taxes. The dysfunctional generations previously never looked as good as now. What happens if say twins or more are born into royalty? 3 Kings? 5 Quintupling Queens? Is it the first one? I often think what is it that could convince a person to want to bare arms for ones leadership to murder. Notice. Leaders are never two person (Mr. Mrs leader ) but just one. To call the judgement and to collect our tax. Now when it comes down to warring chemical weapons this is a serious deal!  Ye...

INFINITE FLIGHT Simulator:Top Android Simulation Games Fall 2013

Top Android Simulation Games Fall 2013 Move like Jagger! Jump like Jagger! CUBE JUMPER! INFINITE FLIGHT Simulator flying development studio Takes Off! C.H.A.O.S Hiroshi Yamauchi, Who Helped Drive Nintendo Into Dominance, Dies at 85 By HIROKO TABUCHI Who could move mountains?

"Are the times a changing" they way Boomers said?

Image "That's because "many older Americans, especially whites, are still uneasy about interracial marriage."  According to a 2009 study by the Pew Research Center, just half of white respondents aged 50 to 64 said they would be fine with one of their relatives marrying someone of any other race or ethnicity. Whatever the case, it's clear some Americans still are uncomfortable with seeing racially mixed couples." Boomers, boomers, boomers give peace a chance. Could any of you remember that like the "twist", the dream, and the "summer of love"? OK you are the first and best generation now get over it and work with X, Y, Z it's 50 years later already " beatnik hippie yuppies" You mean all th...

War Needs No More Chances

Once again we the are on brink of the tiresome threat of some global war conflict. Again. Children, babies, girls, parents, siblings are the victims. Where does such gall come from, to dictate to and influence the illiterate and oppressed. Educated leaders have always been the ones to lead by example to represent the people. Like Castro, Putin, had counter pointed the west based on the legitimate, that they had been well read and educated to influence the socially vulnerable. Promises to make better a stronger union of the material world they, asked pawns, serfs, to carry out tasks in order to get fed, enlisted to fight for an honor of the masticates they paid taxes to. We still entrust particular individuals with an appointed team to be responsible for the nations of a people. Not to gas out the people as a means to make a barbaric point. How on earth could this be in such an advanced time of enlightenment? Passover is a direct reference to the genocide of children (written as maj...

Bronze the Fonz Milwaukee 2006 Pt 1

One of the best days of my life was meeting Henry Winkler The Fonz of Happy Days! (Henry Winkler receives a Bronze the Fonz statue in Milwaukee Harbourfront)

Security Alert Days in the weather Hot off the press! Jesus is back from the dna of Found Cross? Al Quada alert. Might want to reconsider. Remember "Stand Your Ground? I have a feeling many "red blooded" patriotic Americans and cousins here in Canada might be a little on the edge these days and they wont have must resistance to a potential racial threat they might cause to put themselves in. Now how does Edward Snowdon fare in this as he is the leaker (chillin in a spot where I feel was a stupid move)? Well maybe he has all that core intelligent defense information tools and some names but if he has info on conversations on terror then that considered full out espoinne. I am glad to know that my taxes pay at least to protect my ass as long as I keep within the boundaries of moral and secure conduct. If I was planning to do something really stupid to harm someone virtually even by fraudulent or mischevious tact premeditated intent. Then by all means smoke them out...

Burning Man: The Decompression Party The Beat Generation Urokz Vlog Feb 16 2013 review and blog

Burning Man: The Decompression Party The Beat Generation Urokz Vlog Feb 16 2013 BURNING MAN TORONTO DECOMPRESSION BEYOND B’AK’TUN had workshops all days and in the evening two rooms of djs and vjs and live performances from JD MACK ROLLIN’ CASH MINETA LIVE BAND THE SPECIAL FORCES FREEDOM DANISH DJ DBOOM ROLO MENTAL FLOSS CYNEX ELIXTR T-MINUS LOCATION: MOSKITO BITE 423 COLLEGE ST. Toronto Ontario M5T 1S9  What else could I say the event was a total blast and I danced my booty off like I hadn't in what fifteen let us say 1996 years I last technically raved a straight dance. The crowd mostly well mixed in age, hipster wouldn't be a fair rating system. More like eclectic  eccentric at best showing art of electronic music at its' best! Workshop Facilitator and Hypnotist

Guns and Blacks

obama-reflects-absent-father-gun-violence-appeal- Tonight could every parent of every child  have a sincere talk with their daughter of son and ask firmly as a parent what are they doing and attempt to be frank candid blunt terse  staunch  at best  and request that for  logical humane reasons to avoid the violence by being deliberate and selective with heir friends. Socially the world has changed in relationships and also has friendship. That is just the fact. From the mouths of babes we have to really start to pay hard attention. After all gradually humanity has made progress if not through some better good.  influence of youth to help make broad changes to conscious and "critical spiritual thinking". Jesus Joan of Arc. From birth life is geared to the demographic that caters industry, pacifically on able ...

The Beat Generation February 5 2013 Black History recognises white contribution

the problem with legalisation vs probition of weed. Are the doctors legalised pushers? Black historymonth I choose to celebrate the other ethnicities and whites that contributed to the Afro civil rights cause women in war vs prostitution guns the indoor pool Good day! My name is Richard Raybourne, and I am whole heartedly interested in your endeavors to bring neuro technology, simulation, and augmented reality and health sciences to the masses finally! Digital Roots I am 44 years old and was born in Montreal, Quebec Canada. I am part of the last generation xers born pre digital tech and played with "The Six Million Dollar Man" set, Pong, Electronic Quarterback  (1980 coleco)!!, Digital Derby (1977), original Astro Blaster champion 1979, Pinball of course, The LCD digital watch (red digits 76') . Our generation cre...

Urokz Assad?a troops need to rethink the big pictu

truth! for peace

Get ready for a doozie! Dramatic Holiday world events

The UN has granted statehood to Palestine. A draft constitution to a new democracy is in the works by the new temporary Pharoah who has brokered the cease fire. Liberal and Christians are concerned. If  Yassir Arafat, was assasinated by poisoning, if proven then one could only imagine taking this to highest military court. Canada and the US has some retaliation in the works by cutting off aid. Yet most of the world Euro and Eastern leaders are in agreement, the arguement is about once again using the legal strategy of holding Israel accounatble for war crimes. Well, at least it beats having to fight it out, but law it out. The battle for money to impoverish the other or send to serve time. These days it feels like a war on who is the best tribe, or races, to once again, fight for free land and discriminate and again as once again some communites have special interest" groups. aka sometimes community defenders of a silent of often oppresive group. For example when mayflower, new l...

Justin Bieber chilling Yorkville Toronto before the show!!

Vlog of the moment before Grey Cup 100th half time show. Fans wait outside Justin Bieber's hotel in Yorkville, Toronto, Canada. I make attempt for a press pass from a roadie! Its going to be a real Blowout tonight! The Guess Who also!