
Showing posts with the label cocaine

Post Winter Storm 2013

Premiers of the Province of Canada Pauline Marois Quebec Alison Redford Alberta Christy Clark British Columbia Kathy Dunderdale Newfoundland and Labrador Eva Aariak Nunavut Kathleen Wynne Ontario

Urokz Ford is not the mayor of Canada

Review on Minuum keyboard, Gravity the 3D interactive astronaut simulation game is here and it's real ! God bless America but why are American comedians giving advice on recovery to what they believe is the mayor of Canada? Time for Canada to balls up and make the change within the "system" that is just as heavily corrupted. Of course, Quebec needed a break! The big picture stems down to the communities that suffer silently from white collar, financial, and political injustice and oppression. Blighted, Main & Hastings in Vancouver has a cop shop right next door by Gastown near a port. How could any leader be screened for human nature or dysfunction? Ethics will always be challenging to be made right and left but no center or redemption. Law and ethics and media the new norm is established but has more power to divide. Breaking News: Postal service inspections in US involved in major child porn bust FYI...

Ford video bigger than Michael Jackson's Beat It?

clip courtesy of CTV news at Noon/Toronto Star

Rocket Robbie Crack Hood

Crack_cocaine Well and it is a bitch now Rob Ford with his arms or shall we say to be armed twisted behind him confessing to doing cool star of this whole mellow over mellow dramatic stories in the news crack cocaine no first what we need to do is examined and get a little knowledge on why crackle pain is such a big player in this follies of political espionage unseen yet in Canadian milky clean history as we know all of our politicians across the country in in different provinces and cities don't do drugs they just make deals to somehow cement in or sell them on BART skill yes it's true while we are shocked to see after hounding the big beast for months upon the whole summer thank God it wasn't an Olympic season that this guy was hanging with some bad boys and of course messed it up by being bondable when Camera got teeth someone shoot a video of him to send him a done add to the sto...