
Showing posts with the label peace


FRESH ZULUS: Where Were You in MCMLXXXII ?  Createspace Indiegogo Start Up for Fresh Zulus Black men in pain need our help Getting ready for NY first  woman president in 2016! Welcome to the future! We are looking good healthy. I thought, what of our ancestors probably having it nowhere near better into their era of existence. Same issues common of democracy wealth health labor and taxes. The dysfunctional generations previously never looked as good as now. What happens if say twins or more are born into royalty? 3 Kings? 5 Quintupling Queens? Is it the first one? I often think what is it that could convince a person to want to bare arms for ones leadership to murder. Notice. Leaders are never two person (Mr. Mrs leader ) but just one. To call the judgement and to collect our tax. Now when it comes down to warring chemical weapons this is a serious deal!  Ye...


Image The science and politics. If wine could be legalized as now a health benefit in moderation, the next day a "big macking" with enough carcinogens to make a cigarette. Teens are no more different than ? An ancestry of teens. Before the 1960's, so many other "bad things" were around like world war and moonshine and yet the world still managed to evolve. Give teens a bit more credit than demoralizing them all the time. Not ALL TEENS smoke pot. Easy on the news (News job is 80% bad news ,15 % good and now with weather & sports.) Actually many teens and adults in our free democratic world are having more unprotected sex, texting, drinking, driving drunk, taking prescription meds to "fix" anxiety or build inertia. Pop, chips, diets, unus...

Get ready for a doozie! Dramatic Holiday world events

The UN has granted statehood to Palestine. A draft constitution to a new democracy is in the works by the new temporary Pharoah who has brokered the cease fire. Liberal and Christians are concerned. If  Yassir Arafat, was assasinated by poisoning, if proven then one could only imagine taking this to highest military court. Canada and the US has some retaliation in the works by cutting off aid. Yet most of the world Euro and Eastern leaders are in agreement, the arguement is about once again using the legal strategy of holding Israel accounatble for war crimes. Well, at least it beats having to fight it out, but law it out. The battle for money to impoverish the other or send to serve time. These days it feels like a war on who is the best tribe, or races, to once again, fight for free land and discriminate and again as once again some communites have special interest" groups. aka sometimes community defenders of a silent of often oppresive group. For example when mayflower, new l...

Here we go countdown for peace ..

Egypt announces Hamas-Israel ceasefire - Yahoo! News Canada