
Showing posts with the label slavery

coming up ....The problem of racism will be solved in our times. Guaranteed by me.

Image and then there's "trouvez l'error"... It’s Time For African-American Men to Wake Up

Learn and Practice Virtual Heart Surgery w Luck Heart! For ALL AGES

 LUCK HEART SURGERY Heart surgery could be quite difficult to perform if you don't practice! Luck Heart Surgery is one of the smartest virtual challenges where you get to be chief surgeon and over see your assistants prep the patient as they apply anesthesia, montior oxygen, & blood-works! You need to learn the anatomy of the heart before making deep chest cracking incisions! A monitor will beat as long as you do your job well and save this patient from flat lining!


Image The science and politics. If wine could be legalized as now a health benefit in moderation, the next day a "big macking" with enough carcinogens to make a cigarette. Teens are no more different than ? An ancestry of teens. Before the 1960's, so many other "bad things" were around like world war and moonshine and yet the world still managed to evolve. Give teens a bit more credit than demoralizing them all the time. Not ALL TEENS smoke pot. Easy on the news (News job is 80% bad news ,15 % good and now with weather & sports.) Actually many teens and adults in our free democratic world are having more unprotected sex, texting, drinking, driving drunk, taking prescription meds to "fix" anxiety or build inertia. Pop, chips, diets, unus...