
Showing posts with the label time

Teleportation in effect! Earth to mars and back!?

Craig Venter On Mars DNA Plan: 'We Can Rebuild The Martians' In Earth Lab: via HuffPost As I read this article I could only think "oh oh" this is where it starts to get funky. Taking some kind of matter and beam back it molecular structure by doing some of that good ole space magic. Now space peeps are speaking about using light like a beam to rush that particle back at crazy rates far beyond the speed of light. Now where I feel it might get funky is is it a really good idea to start bringing back all kinds of bacteria and space poop back, I mean if it is matter it must have some regeneration factor to it consistence. Either way there seems to be a recent urgency to get to the facts about our existence. Now that Rover is chilling on the sandy beach of mars. Bathing amongst stale powered h2o.Now could this be the break needed to break up humans psychical cellular and molecular and liquid being to uber nano dust ready to get shot out by a beam ...

How to escape a Black Hole in space article from Time

How to Escape from a Black Hole | Science and Space | Urokz's Blog This is a good thing. At least one has a dream that is shared with others that believe that theory. So, of they get some dollars to do such a dream to reality. To possibly save ones bones and ass from being sucked into a black hole. Time travel then only is possible. I would think . I mean humanity has not yet challenged going against gravity as scientific space exploration is working to push forward infinite. Like the sun, how the front door could any object withstand the sun pulling in its flames? That gravitational jigsaw is in the box of the universe. The Black hole a sort of manufacturer? Retailer of something more on the other side. Figuring out how to get there and back would be a duelling task.