Charlamagne APOLOGIZES to Kwane; N.C. PULLS UP to house of p0lice chief ...
Mzungus What Are We Kings and Queens Supposed To Do With Our Backs Against The Wall After Complying & Begging For Brotherly Forgiveness At A Home Violation of Grandmas Beating and Baby Tasers So Now Melanin N.C. Nazi Klan Hunters PULL UP to house of p0lice chief #AndrewBrown and Others | Charlamagne finally APOLOGIZES WOKE to Kwane; -Vicki Dillard #antiblackwarcrimestribunal #antiblackhatecrimesbill #stopblackhate #stoptheblackholocaust #blgbtia #blackwokewhiteface #afroficialintelligence #genzero #mentalhealth #cybersecurity #whitelegacysolutions #afterlifematters