
Showing posts from May, 2013

Terrafugia is the flying car of today and the future

Of course it will take a revamp of licencing for both air and vehicle traffic. WinAmerican Idol ! Brady Bunch winners!

Rob Ford vs media UrokzThe Beat Generation

Urokz Editorial Update for May 28 2013 Hot button Rob Ford on da pipe, was this scripted for an episode of "Profiling or what? Where is the video? tell you what . Give me the money or all the hassles I had in life. Since i represent a community that has been damaged also by media attention and reputation. Possible future victims of tension and discrimination as presented in the news papers. So it may seem. After free reign of will at the moment will open up Pandora s boxes for anyone that has been captured on any media device, most notably now the common cell phone. I predict there will be a doctored video to arise where the legal and forensic examination will be so ridiculous a waste of tax payers money somebody somewhere has to get a slap up the head for starting all this shit.That Wag is getting just a little to in our face and lives, on a reality tip that could lead till general mistrust on a global scale until, someone "better' like a Perfect Jesus comes along. Gove...

The Beat Generation Orbiter 2010 re entering earth Floridian atmosphere!


The Beat Generation presents AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity part 1

The Beat Generation presents AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravitypart1

The Beat Generation presents AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravitypart2

AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity Dejobaan Games

The Beat Generation Flight Gear Cessena Citation X


Flight Gear San Francisco spirit mode!!!


Flight Gear 3D location scenery and foundations!


The Spirit of Flight Gear intro!






The Beat Generation presents Gold Edition Vehicle Simulator

Blast right off into orbit with Atlantis STS and try endure the realistic G Force of the ship up re entry! Its sweet to have the Vehicle Simulator Team on board to encourage your journey safe out of planet! The graphics for this ship interior could be fatter in dimension but it still is a decent "mask" for the exterior view windows. Now getting out of atmosphere the Earths graphic dimensions are real feely but that zoom out of seeing the ship exit the orbit is a little annoying when a pilot would look forward to a global terrain view without having the intriuge of object/surface separation (between planet earth and space). Note this is one of the many vehicles available through the add-on market membership which make this all worth the experience! Gender Neutral 10 Ages all Graphics 8 Price 10 Z zoom in; X zoom out in pilot eyes End to "God" out Home to spirit in Throttle 5 to 6 f1 in ship pilot view f2 once to chase, twice to loose chase Right click , s...

Chris Hadfield sings Major Tom!

ORBITER 2010 IS LIKE BEING IN SPACE LIKE CHRIS HADFIELD! ALL THE CHALLENGES AFTER TAKE OFF AND RE ENTRY! Chris Hadfield returns welcomes Orbiter 2010 Vehicle Simulator Gold Edition! Best for graphical earth landscapes and scenes into the solar system ( and further! infinate...) Worst factor is possibly more 3D landscapes  Best feature : you never blow up or die tragically which is not a horrible accent to the space adventure.. Here are some scenes I drove out to space from Cape Canaveral Florida during the Toronto Maple Leafs Bostons Bruins games; which now recorded as Boston wins overtime 5-4. The following clips are laptop live examples of going out of orbit with the following keys and guides to a safe flight. Key note: in fn num lk mode , the ? manually thrust up and down, unless ctrl and ? is press which will slowly accelerate. M will land-blast, to decrease no more land-blast press > J goes left, L goes rig...

Do The Right Thing The Homeboy way..Charles Ramsey is proof the brothas have heart and work and can be outstanding citizens


SUMMER of SIMS Flight passion space games on freeware!!

Orbiter  2010 -  Space  Shuttle Atlantis STS-129 Launch - Real Time  Simulation FlightSim.Com  - Help For New Flightsimmers Simulation Games Free Downloads for all SUMMER TRIALS!! Vehicle Simulator!!! llan Papini brilliant fast paced answer to  independent  robotics! Flight Gear This article is dedicated to the simulation players hunger for a surreal mental break into a virtual world where you could pretend to be a pilot of a Boeing 777 jumbo jet or an alien pilot of a UFO, a virtual free spirit of the west! Going in any virtual direction across plains, terrains almost anywhere in the planet! It took me approximately, 5 hours to read through the PDF manual flight instruction during a  few late night coffees and curious trial and error. I carefully dabbed my keypad keys to find what could take the flights zooming off but like a simulation pilot you best follow patience to understand how...