Rob Ford vs media UrokzThe Beat Generation

Urokz Editorial Update for May 28 2013 Hot button Rob Ford on da pipe, was this scripted for an episode of "Profiling or what? Where is the video? tell you what . Give me the money or all the hassles I had in life. Since i represent a community that has been damaged also by media attention and reputation. Possible future victims of tension and discrimination as presented in the news papers. So it may seem. After free reign of will at the moment will open up Pandora s boxes for anyone that has been captured on any media device, most notably now the common cell phone. I predict there will be a doctored video to arise where the legal and forensic examination will be so ridiculous a waste of tax payers money somebody somewhere has to get a slap up the head for starting all this shit.That Wag is getting just a little to in our face and lives, on a reality tip that could lead till general mistrust on a global scale until, someone "better' like a Perfect Jesus comes along. Governments are falling down and the superior grips making serious effort to keep that evil fie going. People are sick of in justice and evil. Speaking of another planet. Superman immigrant from another planet . and motha! the Home-boy Pope Francis says The great satan as proclaimed to be Hezbollah, AI- Qaeda, and balls up to the pontiff for also including the The mob. I get this feeling this guy is no jokes and is spiritually going where no one pope has in a long time. Comeback for more updates and virtual brain time!


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