Urokz The Beat Generation: Who knows? http://www.primesense.com/
Kinect: the end of the type keyboarding era by PrimeSense now in this "future" age! http://www.pcworld.com/article Props to The West gang with North! Prince William grown up for real real! From the day you registered for a social insurance number, or an email address with one of the landmark titan servers of the era namely Netscape, your electronic information has always been compromised. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_privacy I recall in the year 1988 when I first saw electronic mail come to be screened in pale ms dos font running right off some word processor from Lloyds Electronics. A telephone line was needed in order to receive the "buzzwewow" fibre optic sound to fax the visible screen information post scripted on the screen with around 2 to 5 sentences. Today the confusion most likely started with the eventually "meme" produced Rob "base' Ford video that most likely doesn't exist. This was an undercover reason for the ...