Marketing 101 the Real Social media & how to really make money. Seriously.
The Future of Social Marketing Is : via HuffPost Like I have always taught to my acting and audition students. Its not always about who you know but what could you offer and who are you to begin with? Not because I am your facebook friend would I be more enticed to like or buy a product. So it has been quite obvious that no one on FB seems to be catching the point. Many request of suggestion online, even one in person where I literally had some dude take my phone out of my hand despite the fact I told him over the course of the discussion that I wasn't really on FB as frequently and liking his band would have not made such a great difference regardless on my liking the page. As if randomly getting any turkey to like your status or taste in Bowie could make a difference in what sales Bowie already has. Especially music that seems to play like a stalemate for an up and coming musician t...