
Showing posts with the label Liberal

Conversation with Justin Trudeau @ UOFT Reichmann Theatre

Image Urokz VLOG Hosts Semra Sevi and Jonathan Scott of University of Toronto Liberals,  have Converstaion with Justin Trudeau. Q and A: On Stephen Harper's fear on French, bringing First Nation Natives, making tough decisions, Not layering  more on Bill 101, Pipeline. Event held  at Reichmann Theatre (Earth Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, 22 Russell Street Toronto, Ontario M5S3B1 CANADA Voice +1 416 978 3022. FAX +1 416 978 3938) Event organised by

Conversation with Justin Trudeau @ UOFT Reichmann Theatre

Image Urokz VLOG  Urokz VLOG Hosts Semra Sevi and Jonathan Scott of University of Toronto Liberals,  have Converstaion with Justin Trudeau. Q and A:on the last election, Jean Charest nine years Quebeckers were tired, provincial elections in Alberta, and Quebec wanted change. Fixing broken bridges. Event held at Reichmann Theatre (Earth Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, 22 Russell Street Toronto, Ontario M5S3B1 CANADA Voice +1 416 978 3022. FAX +1 416 978 3938) Event organised by

Conversation with Justin Trudeau @ UOFT Reichmann Theatre

Image Urokz VLOG Hosts Semra Sevi and Jonathan Scott of University of Toronto Liberals,  have Converstaion with Justin Trudeau. Q and A: Justin Trudeau speaking at UOFT about the way to get young people to vote is by listening to them and encouraging them to volunteer. Thanking the audience! Appreciating their support! Event held at Reichmann Theatre (Earth Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, 22 Russell Street Toronto, Ontario M5S3B1 CANADA Voice +1 416 978 3022. FAX +1 416 978 3938) Event organised by

Conversation with Justin Trudeau @ UOFT Reichmann Theatre

Image Urokz VLOG Hosts Semra Sevi and Jonathan Scott of University of Toronto Liberals  , have Converstaion with Justin Trudeau. Q and A: Justin Trudeau in the running for Liberal leader, speaking on the worries of Quebec, the middle class and debts. The question of Quebec politics and keeping the country together. Sovereignty is not the treat it once was even though Quebeckers feel disengaged. Event held at Reichmann Theatre (Earth Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, 22 Russell Street Toronto, Ontario M5S3B1 CANADA Voice +1 416 978 3022. FAX +1 416 978 3938) Event organised by

Conversation with Justin Trudeau @ UOFT Reichmann Theatre

Image Urokz VLOG Hosts Semra Sevi and Jonathan Scott of University of Toronto Liberals  , have Converstaion with Justin Trudeau. Q and A: Converstaion with Justin Trudeau at The University of Toronto: Justin Trudeau encourages public towards joining and volunteering for the Liberal party.Thanking the students and general audience for their time and support! Event held at Reichmann Theatre (Earth Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, 22 Russell Street Toronto, Ontario M5S3B1 CANADA Voice +1 416 978 3022. FAX +1 416 978 3938) Event organised by

Mayor Jean Drapeau and Le transport collectif à Montréal a 150 ans !

Always interesting to see history captured in such tools of photography that we now laugh as obsolete. Still, not one person in this documentary could have ever expected this would make great references in our Canadian history.  Moments captured in time, never knowing what has become of the citizens of that day, breathing that days air and drinking the water. Citizens travelling during that old ghostly Montreal winter to their ...well not likely gym, or yoga,...definitely not Hot Yoga. Perhaps the Great mother of the first three on her ways home to get the stove coals burning to bake that fat meat stew of three course. The Fatherman, probably doing what the law will allow amongst the men. Of similarity I am sure to note. Meat n potatoes, cigarettes and booze not on Sundays. Their young innocent children abstract of the future, we see now represented in them, of the time. Hopefully not to get bounced by Le Tramway. Jean Drapeau – Wikipedia, th...

China and opium war edited final 6 min

Quite a piece of history about Opium, eerily kind of similar to how blatant the drug wars today, but on the spiritual tip it seemed that an extremely high conscious of ethics or morality to fight against the powers. Respect to the Harmonious Fist Boxers and Tsu Hsi. The mystical sheild ..

The Quebec Files: Some Wiki History 21st Century style's_Bay_Company,_1982

O ....K. so what's new ? Dirty really dirty novels for women big deal about 50 Shades

Check out "Fifty Shades of Grey" so I'm like testing out my sweetheart Acer 100 in a Second Cup for screenwriter books for free and for some coincidence of planetary alignment I just received a sample of this dirty book. No one part of me, my inner curious yet wise self really couldn't care less about what it is about this sadomasochists love story is all about. At the same time , let's says for one night I decide to curl up with a glass of spit warm brandy, candle lit dimly as I soak surrendered in beach warm sea aloes and Epsom salts. Ready to turn on my romantic side to digest a story about lust attraction manipulation and possibly golden showers. Look, give me a break. I'm in Second Cup and I just got the free sample. I'll try to use it as a pick up line for now, read it later and get back to you. For now at least I doing something good... I'm writing.

Quebec premier elect Pauline Marois had no idea she was target of gunman

Quebec premier elect Pauline Marois had no idea she was target of gunman There is no word that could describe this situation except "appalling". Just when we already still had all this animosity amongst our own peoples of this nation. I recall back way back in the seventies when I was a kid going to grade school back on Parkville and Langelier. So vivid was the reality that Quebecers really fought hard for the respect and cultural acceptance in Canada. I would admit. Even as a first generation West Indian born into a new opportunity as what my family called it then, I would remember the stiff discussions at the dinner table about how uncivilized and potentially racist the Quebecers were during the 1976 referendum. After all it was not even a year and 2 months after my birth a mail box blew up downtown Montreal and an electic official was kidnapped and murdered by the FLQ aka Front de libération du Québec ..