
Showing posts with the label bikers

James Franco and Seth Rogan Do Kanye West's Bound 2: See it Side by Side


Urokz Ford is not the mayor of Canada

Review on Minuum keyboard, Gravity the 3D interactive astronaut simulation game is here and it's real ! God bless America but why are American comedians giving advice on recovery to what they believe is the mayor of Canada? Time for Canada to balls up and make the change within the "system" that is just as heavily corrupted. Of course, Quebec needed a break! The big picture stems down to the communities that suffer silently from white collar, financial, and political injustice and oppression. Blighted, Main & Hastings in Vancouver has a cop shop right next door by Gastown near a port. How could any leader be screened for human nature or dysfunction? Ethics will always be challenging to be made right and left but no center or redemption. Law and ethics and media the new norm is established but has more power to divide. Breaking News: Postal service inspections in US involved in major child porn bust FYI...

Bronze the Fonz Milwaukee 2006 Pt 1

One of the best days of my life was meeting Henry Winkler The Fonz of Happy Days! (Henry Winkler receives a Bronze the Fonz statue in Milwaukee Harbourfront)

Happy Days: The Musical @ Milwaukee Wisconsin

Happy Days The Musical starring Joey Sorge and Felicia Findley, special guests Henry Winkler, Garry Marshal, Penny Marshall, Erin Moran, Marion Ross (Milwaukee,Wisconsin 2009) Bronze the Fonz

Boson Particle fiction or fact?

2500 years looking field tracking to find the source of unknown physical matter in dark matter. It appears that it sould have every element known to our science including the elements that make the five elements for even mortal human to exist. Boson is trying to figure what other elements are in this field of "God" matter. I had a dream of this particle possibly so miniscule to the tip of a needle. Invisible to the naked eye on the tip of my index finger. I gentlely swipe my thumb to create a dark smudge in mid air! The smudge grows slowly like when you see dust particles in light. The more you attempt to fan away or wipe away the dense carbon like matter it grows like in all dimensions! What could stop it? So far like a smudge of ink from a pen this substance cannot be wiped away with spit. Anything you touch will now chalk the air with your inexplicably molecular illusion of thick smoke like unknown eternal black mist. The continuous slow motion of this looks like a bad act...

Bronze the Fonz Milwaukee 2006 final rough cut Pt 1


The truth on respect in gang community

So different a situation when a big macaroni is disrespected by a slap in front of his peers. Particularly Wooley who is the only Black in the Quebec chapter of the HA when aka Big from BG refused to join the syndicate. Was it because he had felt there was a sell out? Racial tension? Regardless this doesn't feel like a very good position for the so claim affiliates of Crips. In the end violence didn't solution anything except enforce the golden rule RESPECT. Like All Capone ,Scarface I mean like it or not this broth a opened doors for other young black thugs in training to join the syndicate which historically was our biggest enemy remember rolling stones in Altamont of course you don't you where too young and society was well white washed for years with a different peace we haven't experienced since 1991 after OJ and Rodney King rise of a new Black planet. Somewhere in the mix of political correct and affirmative action black history became more impoverished and juveni...

Black Gun Runner

Black kid with a gun where is homeboy Huck Finn ? Selling records

Remembering the beat updated rebooted

Music has changed after the demise of greats Brotha MJ, Elvis or Buddy, Sam Marvin, John Lennon, Janis .. this set of MASH updated beats is in tribute to post beatnik vibes since the 1950s..which folked to hippy and new wave house acid hip hop rave robotic:  Respects to the DJS worldwide that MASH to the future!   Welcome to The Beat Generation! Can You Feel It rebooted  Can you feel it Omer Barzilay Good Vibrations rebooted Good Vibrations Stanton Bros Dancing Machine rebooted The Jacksons 5 Dancing Afro Robotics Henrik Schwarz Help rebooted Help The Cyber Beatles w lil Wayne E TRAIN respected 2012 Uptight rebooted Uptight Stevie Clash Watch "The re Beat GENERATION" on YouTube coming soon... Urokz