Remembering the beat updated rebooted

Music has changed after the demise of greats Brotha MJ, Elvis or Buddy, Sam Marvin, John Lennon, Janis ..
this set of MASH updated beats is in tribute to post beatnik vibes since the 1950s..which folked to hippy and new wave house acid hip hop rave robotic: 
Respects to the DJS worldwide that MASH to the future!
Welcome to The Beat Generation!

Can You Feel It rebooted Can you feel it Omer Barzilay
Good Vibrations rebootedGood Vibrations Stanton Bros
Dancing Machine rebooted The Jacksons 5 Dancing Afro Robotics Henrik Schwarz
Help rebooted Help The Cyber Beatles w lil Wayne E TRAIN respected 2012
Uptight rebooted Uptight Stevie Clash

Watch "The re Beat GENERATION" on YouTube coming soon...



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