
Showing posts with the label cool

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me/Beauty And A Beat (Live 2012 Amer...

Mrs.Alla believes Justin Bieber is totally out of control!! Lindsay Middle East Malala Lance Armstrong Rob Ford America Canada World wide That damn HATE! WTF is it about all the energy that is wasted on haters? As I recall back in the nineties TROLLs were anon cyber peeps that would cruise and Navigator web on early Facebook aka simple post replies to a forum page. Now it seems like with all this freedom of expression and right to it. All kinds of bully like tactics are creeping up everywhere! Pursecuting , humiliating , and attempting to murder. The new hatred propreganda is brewing while many are just simply trying to concentrate on our peace of mind. With self help or spiritual guidence. Suicides and bullying hasn’t ceased or decreased since Todd and Malala. As recent a young girl  with disablity is mocked , The mayor of Toronto Canada Rob Ford is so hated he actually has been kicked out by the people who didnt vote for him, longtime coming. Lance Armstron...

Blade Runner part deux

'Blade Runner 2': Ridley Scott Harrison Ford countdown! Yes! The timing and atmosphere is just near perfect for our updated cyber sequel. The first part of Blade Runner back in 198? was a masterpiece that i saw in theatres. The buzz then, was not since Close Encounters or Star Wars had a movie been script been written with the detective gum shoe element. The plot of living for ever being human and making mistakes in a future world polluted in rainfallout. Giant vid ad lights overpower a few fly vehicle shadows. 

Bronze the Fonz Milwaukee 2006 final rough cut Pt 1


Remembering the beat updated rebooted

Music has changed after the demise of greats Brotha MJ, Elvis or Buddy, Sam Marvin, John Lennon, Janis .. this set of MASH updated beats is in tribute to post beatnik vibes since the 1950s..which folked to hippy and new wave house acid hip hop rave robotic:  Respects to the DJS worldwide that MASH to the future!   Welcome to The Beat Generation! Can You Feel It rebooted  Can you feel it Omer Barzilay Good Vibrations rebooted Good Vibrations Stanton Bros Dancing Machine rebooted The Jacksons 5 Dancing Afro Robotics Henrik Schwarz Help rebooted Help The Cyber Beatles w lil Wayne E TRAIN respected 2012 Uptight rebooted Uptight Stevie Clash Watch "The re Beat GENERATION" on YouTube coming soon... Urokz