
Showing posts with the label seas

Billabong Surf Trip iPhone Gameplay Review -

The following clip is a previous review on YouTube about the Billabong Surf Trip by Andrew of AppSpy. These are my personal written reviews, for the novice player of simulation games: I found Billabong Surf Trip quite a tasty simulation surf app! Especially as sweet on the memory download on my Android phone and Acer 100. At first your brain needs a little time to register co ordination of familiarity by sliding your left thumb around the "Blue" left thumb controller to move your player on the board in any direction. Your "Blue" left thumb controller is sweet to practice just learning how to surf across (I recommend to start) as far left as you could surf away from the big wave approaching to your board from the right of the screen. You can take time to learn 'Cutbacks" and other easy tricks by just moving your "Blue" left thumb controller easily, lightly, swiftly, downwards, swinging slightly bottom left, then slightly bottom right...