
Showing posts with the label teleportation


Ode to Code..eventually learning code will evolve to drag and drop app baby building blog blocks(formally known as MS DOS and before that 101010..) for something simpler with nano terabytes provided from CERN "matter"and sun, where you simply ask the smart drone Phablet screen for what you want and it ports (now formally known as 3 dimensional print, formally carbon stencil paper..) to your virtual hologram mail. Never too late to learn The abacus or arithmetic of course as cursive writing takes a bow..relic of the ink and lead, and requiem to expression of the past 20th Century. Will Human Teleportation Ever Be Possible ?

Xbox You know it's 2014 in less than 3 weeks!?

Ask the White House from your house-with a Skype video message I take on the hard forces and served solid blows against this VR Kinect bully! Bloor Street location grand turnout. As usual the load time is longish but this is a real time 3 min workout in full example. Yes it could feel a little silly if your living room silhouette shadow boxing is seen but who cares it fun and you actually gain a tip of basic self defense queues.  I await a hologram beamed from a 3D virtual dynamic. Possible nippled body patches to actually feel a chosen level of pain to sim a real beat down feel. Now thats HIFI !for ALL AGES! I understand we should be all free and educated, I feel the message of getting out of an oppressive state and jail is a very common message. Mandela just prevented our right to fight back as it would have taken many white lives definitely to an escalation unseen in world history. The IFP was ready to rage full out civil war. Mandela was a martyr in surviving and ha...

First MultiRacial Mayoral Family in NY!! Aeromobil 2 5 prototype Flaying Car Made in Slovakia:



Time travel in reality only film the variant of reality vs. projection? But how thought we capture..the essence of spirit? So your saying we video living spirits? The flesh. Time Travel is possible online! The cyber after  life who controls it? They have all genetic information to reprogram and  molecularity clone you back. One problem. One corrupt party stats to alter everyday clones into a superior being. The clones have no soul!” The existing humans need to survive or the world will turn into a cyber ghost town.  Which would inevitably work against it self  by over information to destroy the universe. Mathematically starting with earth as all is being re written by the super brain simulation. Who could save the planet and fate of the world? When everything is run by the super brain  that knows how to get its own energy from the sun Its like these clones have a connection to these genetic codes as if was a blood re...

Teleportation in effect! Earth to mars and back!?

Craig Venter On Mars DNA Plan: 'We Can Rebuild The Martians' In Earth Lab: via HuffPost As I read this article I could only think "oh oh" this is where it starts to get funky. Taking some kind of matter and beam back it molecular structure by doing some of that good ole space magic. Now space peeps are speaking about using light like a beam to rush that particle back at crazy rates far beyond the speed of light. Now where I feel it might get funky is is it a really good idea to start bringing back all kinds of bacteria and space poop back, I mean if it is matter it must have some regeneration factor to it consistence. Either way there seems to be a recent urgency to get to the facts about our existence. Now that Rover is chilling on the sandy beach of mars. Bathing amongst stale powered h2o.Now could this be the break needed to break up humans psychical cellular and molecular and liquid being to uber nano dust ready to get shot out by a beam ...

How to escape a Black Hole in space article from Time

How to Escape from a Black Hole | Science and Space | Urokz's Blog This is a good thing. At least one has a dream that is shared with others that believe that theory. So, of they get some dollars to do such a dream to reality. To possibly save ones bones and ass from being sucked into a black hole. Time travel then only is possible. I would think . I mean humanity has not yet challenged going against gravity as scientific space exploration is working to push forward infinite. Like the sun, how the front door could any object withstand the sun pulling in its flames? That gravitational jigsaw is in the box of the universe. The Black hole a sort of manufacturer? Retailer of something more on the other side. Figuring out how to get there and back would be a duelling task.

Mayor Jean Drapeau and Le transport collectif à Montréal a 150 ans !

Always interesting to see history captured in such tools of photography that we now laugh as obsolete. Still, not one person in this documentary could have ever expected this would make great references in our Canadian history.  Moments captured in time, never knowing what has become of the citizens of that day, breathing that days air and drinking the water. Citizens travelling during that old ghostly Montreal winter to their ...well not likely gym, or yoga,...definitely not Hot Yoga. Perhaps the Great mother of the first three on her ways home to get the stove coals burning to bake that fat meat stew of three course. The Fatherman, probably doing what the law will allow amongst the men. Of similarity I am sure to note. Meat n potatoes, cigarettes and booze not on Sundays. Their young innocent children abstract of the future, we see now represented in them, of the time. Hopefully not to get bounced by Le Tramway. Jean Drapeau – Wikipedia, th...

Phase 1 Flight Test Video Clips: The Terrafugia Transition

This footage was taken as part of the test documentation media during Phase 1 Flight Testing of the Transition® Production Prototype at Plattsburgh International Airport in Plattsburgh, NY in June 2012. This is so awesome I look forward to learning how to fly by taking a pilots license ...(yes, imagine listening to techno or classical , or  reggae, coasting across the ocean. Time just in time for dinner! Techno ix of  Situation by Yazoo

The future is present and we now live like the Jetsons..

Terrafugia - Transition®, the Roadable Light Sport Aircraft : Home Finally! The flying car..aka..Terrafugia - Transition® will be our grandchildrens next wave and mode of modern transportation. In a bid to save the environmental climate, and traffic pollution, get ready to get your driver's and pilots license to fly one of these babies straight to your home driveway by the year 2020! Finally, a team of dreamy engineering students realize the un thinkable in our modern history of human flight and time to travel. Most definitely would love one for before my retirement!