Time travel in reality only film the variant of reality vs. projection? But how thought we capture..the essence of spirit? So your saying we video living spirits? The flesh.
Time Travel is possible online!
The cyber after life
who controls it? They have all genetic information to reprogram and molecularity clone you back. One problem. One
corrupt party stats to alter everyday clones into a superior being.
The clones have no soul!” The existing humans need to
survive or the world will turn into a cyber ghost town. Which would inevitably work against it
self by over information to destroy the
universe. Mathematically starting with earth as all is being re written by the
super brain simulation.
Who could save the planet and fate of the world? When
everything is run by the super brain that
knows how to get its own energy from the sun
Its like these clones have a connection to these genetic
codes as if ..it was a blood relative electronically.
Super brain figured out how to create dimensions and materials
and runs the creation of cyber ghost with the remaining spirited consciously help.
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