Paul McCartney's back and still jamin' preview and Obama keeps up with the Jonesers
Sometimes technology allows for leaks as well as spying. It is not cool to spy as the globe now is on Americas case about it. Mind you what happened in Russia, Europe or Asia, The Middle East is pretty much the same thing these countries do and known for decades. Blame it on Churchill and Ike and Truman and Nikita and Castro to start. The exception here is that the President got ratted out by a "mole". Most of the other countries I bet spy as much and have their loyal patriotic team ready to find ways to destroy that freedom they never had. This is why the west had to be paranoid, don't let anyone tell you different. Plus many citizens are actually content with that security as it is so obvious public security, infiltration, and defection is real now. For reasons like lack of inclusiveness? In our own backyards. I feel that if anything the generation today is being so taken advantage of as they just do know their world history. Lest we forget during 911, all ...