Paul McCartney's back and still jamin' preview and Obama keeps up with the Jonesers

Sometimes technology allows for leaks as well as spying.
It is not cool to spy as the globe now is on Americas case about it. Mind you what happened in Russia, Europe or Asia, The Middle East is pretty much the same thing these countries do and known for decades. Blame it on Churchill and Ike and Truman and Nikita and Castro to start.

The exception here is that the President got ratted out by a "mole". Most of the other countries I bet spy as much and have their loyal patriotic team ready to find ways to destroy that freedom they never had. This is why the west had to be paranoid, don't let anyone tell you different. Plus many citizens are actually content with that security as it is so obvious public security, infiltration, and defection is real now. For reasons like lack of inclusiveness? In our own backyards.

I feel that if anything the generation today is being so taken advantage of as they just do know their world history.
Lest we forget during 911, all gloves were off for the security interests of the general public that hadn't seen a homeland attack since 1942.

Look how long that post war took to stabilize trust. It is a different world right now as a result of radars being down or blinded eyes turned which also has us burned in the past. Sort of "shame on me once".

This surveillance is used to prevent attacks, not find out ones sex life. To eventually seize and persecute high criminal rollers not know what is itching you in the wrong place to your doctor. It's time for people to realize that if you have a Twitter or FB or any social media, expect to get tracked or hacked by a college kid. 

Yes, folks that organize deals, like child porn to serial killers are using the same technology we use daily, with the fake unknown avatars to achieve their crimes. In some stupid cases "bully", stalk, humiliate.  If anything I feel that all this uber sensitivity could result in a bigger worrisome revolution for the wrong reasons. 

Buck up and apply the same strategy that we used when we had a land line and ground mail. Be vigilant and just don't do stupid shit online, and no worries if you make the odd non alerting reference that you smoke "weed" or lost your virginity, because face it, we are all not that important nor anyone cares. Unless you are planning to do something wrong in real world terms like a planned attack on soil.

Now for Obamacare, these darn glitches and setbacks. I mean hasn't anyone figured that this ish could be a ..umm dare to say inside job? 

I mean shit, if I was paid nicely to design a historical website for the Pres, I wouldn't be making any glitches for simple embarrassment and reputation. What shocks me is this site was made in Montreal Quebec and this doesn't make Canada's tech industry look very professional. If anything Canada should seriously consider some responsibility for a job poorly done. 

It's not like they made a freakin' 3D simulation video game. I know it is complex, but government sites like our Canadian Health and Social Federal sites don't come up with these issues, from my experience and that of electronic peers.

If anything this is just another lame plot to shake the President Obama world. What I do love though is that so far Barack remains still and focused to keep doing the job, and that change in full terms as promised, Same Sex, Health Care, Immigration, Broken Glass ceiling, even civil rights have evolved to political measures unseen in our era. Many lands can be envious of progress.

Why can't people just grow up, stop always complaining, and self jeopardizing human evolution. These are interesting times and while we are physically here let's try yo, to make the best of it.  

So chill and listen to Paul


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