Mind not the eye of the beholder: short man syndrome is false

Argument against the so callous called short man syndrome. Its just plain stupid. Of course when majority of women on dating sites I have frequented It would appear that an overwhelming count request that a potential mate be taller than 5 foot 7 or 8 or someone they could crawl into chest. The security of a bear, the lion king. Of course I had to buck up and keep integrity from bullies or else you life as real as it is will crush no pity. I mean Napoleon was a freaking leader that won more war than other well able bodied captains. Where is the complex? I tend to revise the term Napoleonic complexity off on the people that can't handle a confident person (usually of short stature) confidence and gumption. Tall people complain average to short sized peeps treat them as rejects..I really can't get around that. I mean everything in the world seemed to be made for the tall white man..and tall women how could that be unattractive? Now this must be very difficult for the disabled because who is opened minded enough to fantasy having coitis with some one who has "NO LEGs!" Quoted by a woman who was considerably mentally ill and possibly rehabilitating from her former crack addiction. My friend Reginald who has muscular dystrophy, not hurt but rather unfazed by the loud and clear comment focused to tell me in a shake Its all right Ray its no big deal, in humour God 'll deal wit em. I sometimes see a woman her eyes so beautiful like the sea her face and sweet buttermilk complexion hair so long and golden like Greek goddess quickly rushing by the artery of this sidewalk. Her perseverance to cut, bob, and weave eventually aligned with me. My attraction was instant. Then I had to think could I go out with her? Definitely. Settle down with her. ? I'm not sure. I would like kids. What about the sex? I'm sure I could work her! So is it based on stigma like what people think about how I look with her but what about me ? I mean after all I'm a short black guy. Yes in society a conscious team would cheer for yea. Yet the majority of of online dating is based for marketing purposes solely on physical esthetic (many of these so called studies tend to survey majority North American Caucasian women unfortunately , and don't think for a minute that group and demographic could not be more biased than we care to acknowledge. Sara Palin, Kardashian, come to mind.) I have read investigation that studies say women claim this is for the gene pools to hold down an alpha man lean to the bone hunter gatherer. Really? Men in general have some extreme primal instincts also. That need for nurturing mama bear is a faint compromise these days. Yes there are men and women out there that unconsciously find overweight, unattractive, underweight, missing limbs, aged undesirable . Yet I could only imagine how difficult and perhaps lonely it must be for the dejected. For this many take for granted the physical beauty we are born with. Neurologically, physically, esthetic. Maybe more education for children to learn disability tolerance on all levels. Not just race, gender. My dear mother dearest. Taught me the facts of bigotry. Not just for color, but for gender and disability through out her life. She died of a broken heart refuting any love. Why did she make up her mind to let go and ...she was what we called no cripple but her vanity of having a failed bone straightening and lengthening gone horribly wrong and she gave up. Regardless, my father left not to long after. She was well aware of the odds she had against her as a single disabled Black educated woman of her era. I often reflect maybe if she felt that she could have been loved for who she was, 4 foot 8 stature with bow legs she still had beautiful features enough to bring me in the world. All I could do is be grateful for my extraordinary health despite standing 5f 2. I have been fortunate to have been loved so far. Even though she would say I will only have so many loves. People won't like you" she would tell me. Could have been a reflection of her mental state in deep depression. I still struggle with that lie. I so far choose to not buy into it whole hearted. So this blog is not written to blame or put down women or men. Which reminds me to update in my profile that the following blogs I post is not intended for minors under 16 under a state province or fed law. A mature audience that could reflect on these thoughts. I am just writing. These are my thoughts and some opinions. I am nor perfect and far nor are you, only God can judge we. So yea. Ladies and gentleman of the heterosexual world open up your minds and get used to the times of evident change. It shouldn't be considered lowering standards to date someone with a disability. Give it a shot! As for what I have observed in the queer community, there seems to be some apathetic understanding of the disabled as I have seen queer folk holding hands or passionately kissing someone on a wheelchair. So endearing a sight than the bachelor bachelorette fake reality culture of this generation.


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