
Showing posts from October, 2012

Urokz's VLOG Oct 31,2012: Storm shout outs, Star Wars reunion? The Fonz ...

My prayers to all in New York and New Jersey, thank God it wasn't still as devastating as previous tragic storms in the last decade. Peace! Underground subway might need to overground..I mean is underground travel really safe? Shout to Henry "Fonzie" Winkler on his 66th Ayyyyy!" Malala goes home to Pakistan! I petition for the original cast of STAR WARS to reunite at least by film 9! They better not pull an ABBA.which means simply ABBA ALWAYS freakin sys they will never reunite...I mean the freakin Beatles did even without John! So yes feel the Pressure Hans Luke and Leia to be on the screen! For yout sake! pease and loaf=ves Urokz American Idol

Urokz Vlog Oct 25 2012 week review point of view: Alexander Lincoln, Mal...

My thoughts on what is shaking the world up currently. Urokz Vlog Oct 25 2012 week review point of view: Alexander Lincoln, Malala, Todd, Africa, Ed Rienburgs African troops to the international rescue on terror! 3,200 African troops needed to fight rebels, Islamist militants in Mali, official says (Yahoo) King Solomon people face a challenge to the bone as they get ready. Is it wise that a continent already stewing with poverty, political corrption, world wide trade off in diamonds for unbelievable amounts of blood to fight for ...the right to religious freedom? To avoid more of the corruption and godless tyranny the children and woman already face? It could be touchy since I am sure the presence of rebels under covered the movement for years. IE who was chillin' in Pakistan and was the most wanted? Scary to predict but rebels have grown inside or infiltrated just like in America, Europe, Spain, London at this point to mess up even the freedom to be "properly corrupt...

Bloor Street United Church Community Cafe with Mary and Evan Smith Community Builder

Published on Oct 17, 2012 by Richard Raybourne Welcome to Bloor St United Church! Join us for delicious meet and greet,food, & conversation about anything! Believe us! Community Cafe open from Wednesday's from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm Bloor Street United Church 300 Bloor Street West Toronto, ON (416) 924-7439 Category: People & Blogs

Lincoln Alexander lies in state Queens Park.

Lincoln MacCauley Alexander, PC CC OOnt CD QC Queens Park Lying In State - YouTube


Troy Dig: New Archaeological Excavation Planned At Site Of Ancient City: via HuffPost

Teleportation in effect! Earth to mars and back!?

Craig Venter On Mars DNA Plan: 'We Can Rebuild The Martians' In Earth Lab: via HuffPost As I read this article I could only think "oh oh" this is where it starts to get funky. Taking some kind of matter and beam back it molecular structure by doing some of that good ole space magic. Now space peeps are speaking about using light like a beam to rush that particle back at crazy rates far beyond the speed of light. Now where I feel it might get funky is is it a really good idea to start bringing back all kinds of bacteria and space poop back, I mean if it is matter it must have some regeneration factor to it consistence. Either way there seems to be a recent urgency to get to the facts about our existence. Now that Rover is chilling on the sandy beach of mars. Bathing amongst stale powered h2o.Now could this be the break needed to break up humans psychical cellular and molecular and liquid being to uber nano dust ready to get shot out by a beam ...

Night lights sky!,

Orionid meteor shower from Halley’s Comet to light up night sky this weekend | Geekquinox - Yahoo! News Canada

KISS - Play "The Beatles" etc. / Eric Carr on guitar [ HOT IN THE SHADE ...


KISS Monster demo track. first leak of tune EVER


Bullies arrested!

Canadian police arrest eight schoolgirls for bullying - Yahoo! News Canada

CHCH - Lincoln Alexander elected to Parliament, 1968

Published onOct 19, 2012 by CHCHTelevision We mark the passing of Lincoln Alexander, with this clip from our 1968 federal election coverage in which he's interviewed by CHCH Ottawa reporter Bill Gold, after his victory in Hamilton West - making him Canada's first African-Canadian MP We've come a long way baby! Sort of. I mean in fact I haven't seen many other black brothers run for political office in Canada in quite some time or you're just not interested. Lincoln Alexander what's the brother who was born in Canada in the 19 twenty's, experienced the depression, World War 2, and the civil rights movement of the 1960s. 1 Black Canadian born in this country to take positive advantage of the resources and people that he had seen, grown up, and worked with to make a difference in Canada. Why is it that we do not see that today? What went wrong since 1968 1 year after the Expos from 1967 in Montreal Quebec, that  bright "multicultural assimilated...

Black leaders

http:// /video/world-15749633/ lincoln - alexander -dies-30906268. html

Behaviour root to change

Police in London, Ont ., arrest eight girls in bullying probe - The Globe and Mail coming soon!

Urokz YouTube Online Help promo

Published on Oct 16, 2012 by Urokz Raybourne Trolls peeve you off? Cyber bullies shaking up your world with threats? Picking on you..beating you up? Feeling like no one gives a shit about you? So much grief and absolutely no one to talk to or vent? Need advice? Need references to professional help? Thinking about ending it all and you wan the whole world to know how you feel before you consider doing it? Well pop over here first and give this site a last resort. Over here feel free to post up a vid or email me about what the ish is and I will do my best to get back to you and we could Vlog it through or maybe have a Hangout till we try to help you find a solution to resolve the bullshit! Ya dig?This You tube Channel is dedicated to those people the planet has lost to such dire straits, especially on line.


Cardboard bicycle can change the world, says Israeli inventor - Yahoo! News Canada

Blade Runner part deux

'Blade Runner 2': Ridley Scott Harrison Ford countdown! Yes! The timing and atmosphere is just near perfect for our updated cyber sequel. The first part of Blade Runner back in 198? was a masterpiece that i saw in theatres. The buzz then, was not since Close Encounters or Star Wars had a movie been script been written with the detective gum shoe element. The plot of living for ever being human and making mistakes in a future world polluted in rainfallout. Giant vid ad lights overpower a few fly vehicle shadows. 

Urokz VLOG The Beat Generation : Amanda Todd's suicideonline request for...

RaindanceResist gets straight to the point! Urokz VLOG The Beat Generation : Amanda Todd's suicideonline request for help. Where were you? Published on Oct 13, 2012 by Richard Raybourne Now RaindropsResist, is speaking common sense! Just one thing I cannot help but think of is what about the people that survive? What is that definition of Bullying to the point that we must consider our sensitivities take over our emotions to the point of suicide. True words can most definately hurt more than an actual punch or kick in the stomach. Yet maybe we should ponder is it just human to be mean or are we being just too weak and spoilt a society that we let so many insignificant things like looks and cloths and class get to us. Consider as example. That poor bone staving child in the dessert. She is not thinking of her lipstick, weight, or favorite color of nail design. Her best friend, a boy of the same age most likely, also beyond his dehydration as most days, both go to fetch...

International Day of the Girl

Exclusive: Interview With Oprah About Her School for Girls: via HuffPost


World Homeless Day: 5 Ways To Take Action: via HuffPost

Urokz's VLOG The Beat Generation: Emmanuel Lewis, Jesus returns

RIP Alex Kerras eyeglasses

Emmanuel Lewis (Webster) is back! Exclusive interview on CBC Stroumboulopoulos

Great to see brother Emmanuel Lewis always on the positive tip! Despite the sad news of Alex Kerras passing at 77. Kerras, former defense lineman for Detroit back in the way day, was also a "father figure" in character and real life to Lewis on the Webster show back in the  eighties. There is also nobodys business like Emmanuel Lewis tax and housing ish, but what else is news? Everybody is screwed financially on this planet anyways. Regardless, Emmanuel Lewis is on his way to what seems a television media ressurection. His iconic character on Webster and focus on child abuse in television ads back during the Year of The Child period has remained embedded in the memories of many who are survivor today. Justin Biebers mother Patti Mallette recalls with tears the impact it made on her life. I hear she is so single. Serendipidous! Lewis, just might be also! Lewis for me, as well as the late Gary Coleman, were respecfully the reason I decided to eventually start auditioning ...

Urokz's Vlog: The Beat Generation : Malala Yousafzai

Image speaks and thanks God! Malala Yousafzai: Family Refuses To Cower In Fear As Girl Remains In Critical Condition My point of view on the Malala Yousafzai , shooing just because she Malala, a 14 year old girl wanted an education. Is this declaring a civil war on women now? What the heck is wrong with these men that claim this revolt is in the Creaters name?

Charlie Brown Christmas Boomers reboot?

Charles Schulz's 'Peanuts' to be animated movie -,0,7412903.story Nov 2015. Charles Brown should be just ready to retire and chill on Obama-care. What animation could best approach this on the big screen. Retrospective in full force! I wonder seriously if it might be the Christmas story version adapted for the big Panaflex camera. There could be some running gags that work. A depression like sparse neighborhood in the inner city. A vagabond Beagle. Latch key bi-polar best friend Linus. Those long walking talking scenes with Linus and Charlie Brown, curious to hear and see that cinematography. I just hope it's made well, keeps contemporary for such troublesome anti hero characters since Woody Allan , and casts the right tonality to keep an untouchable generation interested. Charlie Brownish action figures, LGBTQ Peppermint ? With your next Happy M...

Urokz's Blog The Beat Generation

"Who I am" author Pete Townshend totally hooks us up witty with Jon Stewart last night. Speaking about his old school band The Who, and The  Kinks in a positive light and how today's music industry is better with innovation. Like, #The Beatles and Stones were all good non rival crews. Today one has an enormous avenue of possibilities to seed a dream with technological advantage. Respectively, Townshend, speaks of his old school days on blogsspot. Back sometime, I even remember was like , ten ?  Thirteen years ago? Like, that's the kid on the television commercial right? He comes clean about the appreciation for young talent and computer electronic music. Nice to see all generations coming together on the same beat. October 08, 2012 - Pete Townshend - The Daily Show With Jon Stewart - Full Episode Video | Comedy Central

GTA 4 Stunts 3

I I am totally impressed at seeing how TheDataHero could actually pull this off in GTA 4 Stunts. Looks like one would have to practice endless hours to feel in the right zone to jump, crash, and burn  the other crazy #Simulated robot player in Android.

How to escape a Black Hole in space article from Time

How to Escape from a Black Hole | Science and Space | Urokz's Blog This is a good thing. At least one has a dream that is shared with others that believe that theory. So, of they get some dollars to do such a dream to reality. To possibly save ones bones and ass from being sucked into a black hole. Time travel then only is possible. I would think . I mean humanity has not yet challenged going against gravity as scientific space exploration is working to push forward infinite. Like the sun, how the front door could any object withstand the sun pulling in its flames? That gravitational jigsaw is in the box of the universe. The Black hole a sort of manufacturer? Retailer of something more on the other side. Figuring out how to get there and back would be a duelling task.

Annette Funicello original Mouseketeer MS sufferer in lawsuit over fire

TMZ reports.. W5 Lifts Curtain in World Exclusive: Reclusive Hollywood Legend and MS Sufferer Annette Funicello , Oct. 6 on CTV - Channel Canada After what seems like forever since Annette Funicello last graced the photo lens. For The Tough Generation those born around, now, she was as popular and talented as Christina Aguilera, who also was a former Mouseketeer. I recall going to see her last motion picture with Frankie Avalon, I was a tween always fascinated and had respect and appreciation for many of the entertainers that still had it in them melt into the contemporary trends of the era. The story, of their characters twisting apart after 15 years. The 60s were way gone for the first Boomer wave into what appears to be their early mid forties. The silliness of second guessing what it takes to stay monogamous and in love in 1983. Annette looking tantalisingly radiant and can we...

Mayor Jean Drapeau and Le transport collectif à Montréal a 150 ans !

Always interesting to see history captured in such tools of photography that we now laugh as obsolete. Still, not one person in this documentary could have ever expected this would make great references in our Canadian history.  Moments captured in time, never knowing what has become of the citizens of that day, breathing that days air and drinking the water. Citizens travelling during that old ghostly Montreal winter to their ...well not likely gym, or yoga,...definitely not Hot Yoga. Perhaps the Great mother of the first three on her ways home to get the stove coals burning to bake that fat meat stew of three course. The Fatherman, probably doing what the law will allow amongst the men. Of similarity I am sure to note. Meat n potatoes, cigarettes and booze not on Sundays. Their young innocent children abstract of the future, we see now represented in them, of the time. Hopefully not to get bounced by Le Tramway. Jean Drapeau – Wikipedia, th...

China and opium war edited final 6 min

Quite a piece of history about Opium, eerily kind of similar to how blatant the drug wars today, but on the spiritual tip it seemed that an extremely high conscious of ethics or morality to fight against the powers. Respect to the Harmonious Fist Boxers and Tsu Hsi. The mystical sheild ..