Urokz VLOG The Beat Generation : Amanda Todd's suicideonline request for...

RaindanceResist gets straight to the point!

Urokz VLOG The Beat Generation : Amanda Todd's suicideonline request for help. Where were you?

Published on Oct 13, 2012 by Richard Raybourne

Now RaindropsResist, is speaking common sense! Just one thing I cannot help but think of is what about the people that survive? What is that definition of Bullying to the point that we must consider our sensitivities take over our emotions to the point of suicide. True words can most definately hurt more than an actual punch or kick in the stomach. Yet maybe we should ponder is it just human to be mean or are we being just too weak and spoilt a society that we let so many insignificant things like looks and cloths and class get to us.

Consider as example. That poor bone staving child in the dessert. She is not thinking of her lipstick, weight, or favorite color of nail design. Her best friend, a boy of the same age most likely, also beyond his dehydration as most days, both go to fetch water that might be as good as sewage until boiled to cook what possible dry grain could tolerate a cook in such unfiltered liquid. Both their parent (one dies recently of a "disease" at the young adult age) Both youth were born with the "disease" that the last person they know in their community carried. There is no math homework. Maybe a good thing. She loves that hard covered paperfull, colored ...book? That has numbers and ways to group them! He can count the alphabet and with some of his wild experience has an interest of helping his people stop the gore of violence. His dream upholding laws that can better his community. Mind, in the real world if those two subjects I just wrote about chances are where ever they are..their destiny is sealed to be a difficult slow death. Unless they get help. Just to keep alive.The kind of help we in North America pay foward out everyday.

My far point being that while no one could ever compare problems, trauma,struggles,even deaths. Life is f bomb tough. We live in a world that is also so much more aware since the last century about the darkness that looms and threatens our very existence every day. Is any one doing anything about it? Well, we have elections, governments, leaders ecetera. We know that that whole system is far right or left from perfect.

What are we gonna do? Everyone kill themselves online?

Absolutely not! Why? because we need at least to try to fight to live. We have the right to live.Nobody has the right to take your life and neither should you. Now dire straights happen. Shit happens. People can be hypocrites and many really are all cared out. How we handle it is quite the PHd of end of life. What happens nexts we just don't humanly know except through what we live in our spiritual beliefs to keep breathing and kick ass in this generation.


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