Urokz's VLOG Oct 31,2012: Storm shout outs, Star Wars reunion? The Fonz ...

My prayers to all in New York and New Jersey, thank God it wasn't still as devastating as previous tragic storms in the last decade. Peace! Underground subway might need to overground..I mean is underground travel really safe? Shout to Henry "Fonzie" Winkler on his 66th Ayyyyy!" Malala goes home to Pakistan! I petition for the original cast of STAR WARS to reunite at least by film 9! They better not pull an ABBA.which means simply ABBA ALWAYS freakin sys they will never reunite...I mean the freakin Beatles did even without John! So yes feel the Pressure Hans Luke and Leia to be on the screen! For yout sake! pease and loaf=ves

American Idol


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