Get Used To SPACEJUNK!.....also White Collar Getting Burnt For Centuries Oppression by Their Victims The Gangsters

and with good reason, I mean this was a inner city decades old issue issue of clannish in order to survive the exploitation of an established system meant to serve and help the public. This was a remedy to keeping culture families together by an organization this is why representatives could be quite melancholic. The days and times of the untouchables 2.0 are somewhere hidden in the trenches. Like the dirty thirties there was a  need to capitalize off the poor by selling booze or a grand old time while deception life would get better as war started once again. When most wars are over there is room for fast black market activities that somehow a powerful representative might have a best friend that is just a leech to protection and or loyalty. Where it leads in destine like say Julius Caesar or JFK usually has some deep link to the temptation to commit immoral mortal sins of the flesh. Akin to hard life destructing drugs to the weapons of destruction needed to gas away ones living day. These are some of many of the facts we see everyday there is poverty or crime, another fact is we need structured forces to counter active that confusion. Cash is King" to to addicted or persecuted which could lead to a sellout to better life for so few as the price seems greater once society catches wind.


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