Best Virtual Android Games 2015

Gangstar Vegas

Fantastic Fantasy Price awesome .99. Hours of action and excellent freeform to drive and snipe, fly a few planes. Not recommended for children under age of maturity

Deus Ex: The Fall 

Next to non existing first person multi cam action a la carte Spy Adventures eg: James Bondish ; DOOM; Max PAYNE) Beautiful 3D graphical environment with sweet interactive capabilities (meet virtual people during the missions) crisp stunning visual design of font is so nice on the eyes as well as an excellent dodgy way to either "tap" across anywhere or try the "auto" wall slides or just work your fingers to the bone and move "padually" . The controls are extremely optional friendly. Could feel a little long-winded in the "tunnels"but worth the money, under the regular price by 2-3 bucks for a 7.99 game. Easy going, Intellectual 10/10 Mature: Should go AI and Hologram

Rocket Drop  

Absolutely the first and best first person para simulation of sky diving! This in AI VR Hologram platforms will knock and rocket your socks off! Navigation is next to feeling like you are actually flying the jet pack through the circle of nuclear demise! Mind those stupid rockets are a little annoying if you could manage to ...just avoid the rockets! I could dream for the multi cam Flight Gear Micro on Android platform 2016?

Real Driver 3D

Best in no nonsense virtual simulated driving! Play one of a variety of general free to test to timed to gas themes. As usual sweet cars and trucks and NEW other challenges to task for the good of humanity : Ambulances; Law enforcement..I see much promise ahead for longer actual Google city streets?
Possibly air travels but that would take serious guts to graphically map Ovidiu skies?


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