"Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome," Part 2. Joy Leary, the Black Bag Speak...

For Educational Attendant Physiognomies of The Black Due To Congenital Leprosy Purposes on The Pathology of Domestic Terrorism & Post Traumatic 600 000 Slave Rape Syndrome," Joy Leary on Ginsburg's 100 Years of J. Marion Sims Speculums to Neonatal Tetanus | Pedagogical Family Excursion Lynchings w Crispy Nigger Livers and Generational Heirlooms of Crushed Sambo "luck" Bone for an extravagant 10 - 25 cent! | Reparations Without Sanctuary From The Insane Right Middle Left https://youtu.be/lNAtEXavTF4 via @YouTube #gdprgreedyready #sambot #niggabotz #afrodata #factz21andon #healing #100years #impeachment #unitedstatesofamerica #mentalhealth #innovation #love #sustainability #blackclassactmastersclassactsclass #zuluscrown #raybourne 


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