Why is Herschel Walker so insistently against reparations?
Why when racism exist shouldn't blacks be more racist after racism started and still exist? Drifter Grandparents Hebrew History Lifetime Presents The Wire ORIGINS White Supremacy Murder Mutilation & Destruction Benefit Timeline Facts! Bonus Onus on why Herschel Walker is going so insistently buck against reparations? https://youtu.be/AytxH-7LUTw via YouTube #nowdasghetto #genxennial #mentalhealth #coonism #cybersecurity #wokehop #niggabotz #politicsandlaw #afrocleansing #thinkblacktank #afrodaddies #mammiefication #altmatters #godish #whitelegacysolutions #justiceforbre #transangelic #afterlifematters #neuralnetworks
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