Officer Kim Potter Knew She Wasn't Using a T@ser on Daunte Wright

Officer Kim Potter president of the Brooklyn Center Police Officers Association in 2019, and was a long-time member of the Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Association, where she served on the “casket team,” Knew She Wasn't Using a T@ser on Daunte Wright via YouTube #cybersecurity #veteran #lawenforcement #undercover #cybersecurity #europe #artificialintelligence #tradewar #intellectualproperty #military #veterans #trauma #lawenforcement #protection #cybersecurity #suicideprevention #skincare #family #children #support #love #educationpolicy #afrodaddies #whitelegacysolutions #entrepreneur #civildevils #cybersecurity #sewn #fraud #socialmedia #lawyer #healthcare #insurance #immigration #snuffing #robberbarron #societyandculture #humanrights #dreamkillers #mammiefication #afroreceipts #sewn #unitedagainstcorruption #godish #greatestgangstageneration #panthersrevenge #mentalhealth #blacksafe #research #children #afbi #cbia #thinkblacktank #neuralnetworks #afrocleansing #altmatters #coonism #politicsandlaw #genxennial #transangelic #niggabotz #afterlifematters #cyberbitch #haguehood #nowdasghetto


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