An Evening with Tim Wise: A White Anti-Racist Advocate

An Evening with Tim Wise: A White Anti-Mzungu-Racist Activist Advocate Author speaks about the importance of being a white ally to communities of color, and how we can all work together to create a healthier Melanated community on campuses and in the Black King world beyond! Wise spoke White Woke as part of UCSB’s Resilient Love in a Time of Hate series. Recorded on 01/25/2017. [4/2017] [Show ID: 31995] via @YouTube #itsstillaboutrace #stoptheblackgenocide #niggabotz #moronicmasonics #transangelic #ancestorssmoke #dropthehop #blackcot #ballsup #GOFTFOH #BRUHATA #enginiggering #genwokex


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