
Showing posts with the label Gen X

Xbox You know it's 2014 in less than 3 weeks!?

Ask the White House from your house-with a Skype video message I take on the hard forces and served solid blows against this VR Kinect bully! Bloor Street location grand turnout. As usual the load time is longish but this is a real time 3 min workout in full example. Yes it could feel a little silly if your living room silhouette shadow boxing is seen but who cares it fun and you actually gain a tip of basic self defense queues.  I await a hologram beamed from a 3D virtual dynamic. Possible nippled body patches to actually feel a chosen level of pain to sim a real beat down feel. Now thats HIFI !for ALL AGES! I understand we should be all free and educated, I feel the message of getting out of an oppressive state and jail is a very common message. Mandela just prevented our right to fight back as it would have taken many white lives definitely to an escalation unseen in world history. The IFP was ready to rage full out civil war. Mandela was a martyr in surviving and ha...


Image Forget 'Panda Cam', an HD Stream of Earth Is Coming Soon When the Sisterhood Attacks: The Cautionary Tale of Colonel Lynette Arnhart Hint of Dark Matter Found Using $2 Billion Cosmic Ray Detector


In Da Hood Fer Real!!! 2013 I read was the year of anger in an angry decade in a jaded post traumatic century. I wrote an article previously on the appreciation of the good Whites that have contributed to the abolishment of slavery and equal rights. If it wasn't so our reality of the immediate & present state we claim we live in cyber age peace. To backtrack on history. The American revolution

Urokz Ford is not the mayor of Canada

Review on Minuum keyboard, Gravity the 3D interactive astronaut simulation game is here and it's real ! God bless America but why are American comedians giving advice on recovery to what they believe is the mayor of Canada? Time for Canada to balls up and make the change within the "system" that is just as heavily corrupted. Of course, Quebec needed a break! The big picture stems down to the communities that suffer silently from white collar, financial, and political injustice and oppression. Blighted, Main & Hastings in Vancouver has a cop shop right next door by Gastown near a port. How could any leader be screened for human nature or dysfunction? Ethics will always be challenging to be made right and left but no center or redemption. Law and ethics and media the new norm is established but has more power to divide. Breaking News: Postal service inspections in US involved in major child porn bust FYI...

Rocket Robbie Crack Hood

Crack_cocaine Well and it is a bitch now Rob Ford with his arms or shall we say to be armed twisted behind him confessing to doing cool star of this whole mellow over mellow dramatic stories in the news crack cocaine no first what we need to do is examined and get a little knowledge on why crackle pain is such a big player in this follies of political espionage unseen yet in Canadian milky clean history as we know all of our politicians across the country in in different provinces and cities don't do drugs they just make deals to somehow cement in or sell them on BART skill yes it's true while we are shocked to see after hounding the big beast for months upon the whole summer thank God it wasn't an Olympic season that this guy was hanging with some bad boys and of course messed it up by being bondable when Camera got teeth someone shoot a video of him to send him a done add to the sto...

Deadly shooting at Greek Golden Dawn office

Image So this is what happens when one generation later 1989 has been conditioned by the elders extremism. We claim to trust that the wisdom of the elders was always wise. The hypothetical voice of reason  courses anarchy by the militant violence lived everyday. To gain a stronghold for fear of manipulation by some other wise "know it all". It is easier to live in fear for the right to freedom and opportunity and independence. Yet how that is controlled takes wise organization of what the industrial world systematically constructed with towers and skyscrapers back in the early twentieth century. Today it's Hip Hop versus extremism world wide as these GenXer's are crusin' for bruisin' of self fulfillled anarchy.  God save the kings and queens.

Malala wins the Nobel and why

Give Peace A ChanceJohn Lennon Totally Qualifies As First Original Rap If you had a chance to see what this girl says, we could say media has it right this time and is on the right side to show what defiance against a disciplinary system or regime means.  It could mean living to die like this girl unintentionally did because she liked learning. The fact that high medical attention helped along with a greater higher power to help heal her physical and mental wounds. Her breath now lancing the enemies of her state as cowards. Candid statements that slate men afraid of women such that they simply kill school kids. This merits strengthening our freedoms to speak up about what we face ironically here in North America. Gun violence, abuse, poverty, and stirred governments, and yes we are to blame for much of the confusion and chaos coming at us daily on the news. We watch the product on a television crime show, or now get motivated on the rush of a shooting spree as ...

FRESH ZULUS the story of the early schools of contemporary Hip Hop Gansterism

Image Nearly 10 000 Americans killed! Is 81, The new HA hanging up violence and running legit qualifications in business. I wonder if it could qualify for a legal medical grow op as politicians and law enforce find a way to control and distribute a natural resource. Harper's govt played hardball for years while the devils dust (cocaine,heroine) was rampant even more so now in socially oppressed areas across Canada (eg. Main Hastings, Hochelaga, Jane Finch.) "Bust for bail" has done nothing but churn a dollar of the profit organisation still running. Closing that tap and changing the plumbing could be complex as it would need total re engineering. Eventually the theater of this good vs evil, is time and money wasting as innocent lives are affected sometimes fatally. Then there is the notorious 1 percent % aka "Illuminati" that have "shares invested pork bellies, human bellies,...

TIFF: m0851 Fall Fashion-2014 W FRANKLYN DUBERRY

INTERVIEW WITH FRANKLYN DUBERRY district manager AUTHENTIQUE DEPUIS 1987 YORKVILLE 38 AVENUE RD/ + 1 416 920 4001 BAYVIEW VILLAGE MALL 2901 BAYVIEW AVENUE/+ 1 416 250 0851 I was on my jolly pre birthday way home to broil a steak and house out on the final format of my novella FRESH, when I happened to come across, the Yorkville fashionistas blocko !  Wine, cheese, and full effects of lovely people (mostly the ladies of course!), grooved and shopped on a reliable brand name when it comes to leather goods for the fall season 13-14 with M0851.   I noticed much soft leather fabric. Clean contemporary displays of high shelf items, Bombers, gloves, needed for the cold winter ahead in 2014!  Sturdy as acclaimed by patrons who have been going there for 10 years! The history has broadened world wide! breath Such sweet staff and on the spot service! Full demand on full ra...