TIFF: m0851 Fall Fashion-2014 W FRANKLYN DUBERRY


38 AVENUE RD/ + 1 416 920 4001
2901 BAYVIEW AVENUE/+ 1 416 250 0851

I was on my jolly pre birthday way home to broil a steak and house out on the final format of my novella FRESH, when I happened to come across, the Yorkville fashionistas blocko ! 

Wine, cheese, and full effects of lovely people (mostly the ladies of course!), grooved and shopped on a reliable brand name when it comes to leather goods for the fall season 13-14 with M0851.  

I noticed much soft leather fabric. Clean contemporary displays of high shelf items, Bombers, gloves, needed for the cold winter ahead in 2014! 

Sturdy as acclaimed by patrons who have been going there for 10 years! The history has broadened world wide! 

...today breath

Such sweet staff and on the spot service! Full demand on full racks of purses and murses! Leather jackets cut to contemporary immediate fashion! 
THESE TWINS ARE SUPER PATRONS OF M0851 FROM DAY1!!!Right off the top shelf, I saw how dynamic and well oiled the staff ran a great theater of service. 
Straight across the board with packaging and care. 

I haven't seen high end retailers put that much affection into customer service and it's not even Christmas yet! Holt 

With renovations going on Avenue Rd. and TIFF literally down by the "fort-port" south of downtown Toronto, it was nice to see Yorkville could still hold on its own.

M0851 has also passed the true test of economic times, by providing quality merchandise at prices I haven't seen since 1990!

Seriously, I last bought a sweet designer leather jacket (with some painting on the back and studs and spikes, it was the 90s!) for 700 dollars from Zoo Option on Bishop street in Montreal!

Quality, Bargain, Service, and Treats! Indulge in M0185!

Meanwhile somewhere over time and space..

One thing is for sure, fashion has endured times of evolution and hardships. Always to create and identity or make the statement. I noticed even in war upgrades are necessary as the weapons they armed with. I could never really understand how nazis, klansmen, hip hop gangsters, thugs, peace activists, orthadox, jihadist, bikers, dictators, politicians, law enforcement, wall street have a wardrobe styled to look contemporary with the times. 

Even the items in Goodwill stores have been quite effective in finding trendy items from as recent as 2010 that someone who was wealthy enough in wardrobe to simply donate high priced labels. In this generation we are about to embark in trends that will override with advancements in technology and clothing. 

In twenty years expect regenerative Tee shirts and that you would never have to wash. All-Season track suits that adjust with climate temperature. Bulletproof suits and ball caps. Second grade PC glasses, body chip wallets, Muscle up with neurological, plasma and DNA restoration. Pigmentation pills to follow the most extreme trend: Changing skin color, from white to black, purple to green, transparent develops into cult as it might not be the popular choice.

All predictive satire aside here are my personal faves for 2014

Take a break to listen to the best mix-mash  of 2014! Ladies and gentle men...please welcome and put your hands together...for Phil Loves Disco!! (loud applause's, cat calls, and whistles)


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