
Showing posts with the label Hillary Clinton


Ode to Code..eventually learning code will evolve to drag and drop app baby building blog blocks(formally known as MS DOS and before that 101010..) for something simpler with nano terabytes provided from CERN "matter"and sun, where you simply ask the smart drone Phablet screen for what you want and it ports (now formally known as 3 dimensional print, formally carbon stencil paper..) to your virtual hologram mail. Never too late to learn The abacus or arithmetic of course as cursive writing takes a bow..relic of the ink and lead, and requiem to expression of the past 20th Century. Will Human Teleportation Ever Be Possible ?

James Franco and Seth Rogan Do Kanye West's Bound 2: See it Side by Side


Gary Low - La Colegiala (Extended Disco Fast Version)

Image Moms Mabley - "Abraham, Martin & John" (Merv Griffin Show 1969) Giant Inkjet Printers Might Be the Secret to Cheap OLEDs

Paul McCartney's back and still jamin' preview and Obama keeps up with the Jonesers

Sometimes technology allows for leaks as well as spying. It is not cool to spy as the globe now is on Americas case about it. Mind you what happened in Russia, Europe or Asia, The Middle East is pretty much the same thing these countries do and known for decades. Blame it on Churchill and Ike and Truman and Nikita and Castro to start. The exception here is that the President got ratted out by a "mole". Most of the other countries I bet spy as much and have their loyal patriotic team ready to find ways to destroy that freedom they never had. This is why the west had to be paranoid, don't let anyone tell you different. Plus many citizens are actually content with that security as it is so obvious public security, infiltration, and defection is real now. For reasons like lack of inclusiveness? In our own backyards. I feel that if anything the generation today is being so taken advantage of as they just do know their world history. Lest we forget during 911, all ...

Progressive Conservatives Karmic Debt is Payback

Karmic Lib vibes of the past have come back to burn the Cons. Libs spent money on keeping the country together with a digital clock count down on Sherbrooke streets, Group Action and then a big cake downtown park Metcalfe between ste Catherine and Rene Levesque. Fast forward corruption extortion payouts rat outs crack sell outs yes it was sustainable during the 911 years the stanch, hard-boiled western representation of a corporate and militant Canada. Wagging the finger at how irresponsible the world economy was just proudly presenting how we staved off the previous recessions. Climate and environments infrastructure, the increase of poverty, mental health, addictions, and crime rise as "its a big city" has justified the the initiation of capitalistic views and hard line investments from who no one knows, except that we pay a tax to them for it. It hasn't been spent well and has been not enough then to cut much needed programs and infrastructure. NDP was just the...