Progressive Conservatives Karmic Debt is Payback

Karmic Lib vibes of the past have come back to burn the Cons.

Libs spent money on keeping the country together with a digital clock count down on Sherbrooke streets, Group Action and then a big cake downtown park Metcalfe between ste Catherine and Rene Levesque.

Fast forward corruption extortion payouts rat outs crack sell outs yes it was sustainable during the 911 years the stanch, hard-boiled western representation of a corporate and militant Canada.

Wagging the finger at how irresponsible the world economy was just proudly presenting how we staved off the previous recessions. Climate and environments infrastructure, the increase of poverty, mental health, addictions, and crime rise as "its a big city" has justified the the initiation of capitalistic views and hard line investments from who no one knows, except that we pay a tax to them for it.

It hasn't been spent well and has been not enough then to cut much needed programs and infrastructure. NDP was just the buffer in this case but right wingers will vote left or right, not in between, least middle as in Canada these days, there is no real middle. Unless you have the money for it plain and simple.

Condos or Shelter for many across the country.

Aboriginal neglect will be a hot button ready to be pressed if not addressed. The war took a priority and unintentionally distracted critical home issues. So far like the states many of a different era will hold on to old values of their time to oppose the rash of immediate changes going on presently whether it be same sex marriage, pot legalization, revisiting immigration policies, Aboriginal affairs and the destiny of Quebec in Canada.

The last I heard Montreal still doesn't have an elected mayor since like last year. Vancouver still has Main & Hastings. Afrikville is still Afrikville. Toronto hates its mayor and many have gone out of their political right to so the world this, even in his own team. Retirement and resignations black balled questionable senators into ratting out the political culture after being pushed up against the wall for not playing ball has caused distress. Due to the unrest public trust has been jaded and complacent. Still somehow recently, Jean Charest has made business deals in Asia just like Harper has done just last week with the new trade deal. Maybe we could get a good deal on weed as reported Korea has some great bush that labourers and workers bun out at the end of the day.

Image in the year 2016, less than five away from the 2020's,

the centennials of the Industrial age and post modernism start the Centennial Trend Celebrations that will continue into the 22 early century. No other period will ever be recognized or celebrated the same way as the next big dates would end by January 1st 2110 Human behavior regulated from fetus to birth fixing the DNA and brain patterned structure of great grandparents, great grandparents 'problem".

The 1920's
In those early years of the 1900's, Flappers, suffragettes, the stock market was arise, and First Battle War closer to a bloody end. Afro North Americans who weren't considered humanly equal Ragtime

2020 Americas President Hillary Clinton and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have been working hard at restructuring trust and fair financial practices. A long time since the crazy 00's when the world was rife in war and poverty. Weapons of any destruction has been exchanged as the economy thrives on more pioneering for a better always as the first generation of the 21st century is aged 21 and quite populous, outnumbering and overshadowing the previous four generations.

Their parents were heavily connected to first digital society. They if any are the last of the surviving 20th century memories and history. Remnant of their childhood in 1990's. The last of the "human being awareness" generation.

Not to make the same extreme mistakes of the past. Acceptance tolerated, extremist still exist but no longer have the same pull as a new consciousness through education and a new approach unseen since the 1st. century about spirituality and faith would have been answered to a fuller promising extent based on evident facts we learned to accept as the most powerful computers and droids reveal absolute calculated truths to its full limit. The answers to living to experience living with the spirit in the physical body to its fullest as by choice and freedom we understand where the spirit does go if we choose to take the hard way or easy way of life challenges and of course some new rebellion to conspire against the truths to capitalize on those same computer truth already understood as a pattern to develop and bring more interpretation revelations from new cyber stronomic gods, gurus, and space travelers. Richard Branson is the perfect candidate. Some call them star gods and pray to them as they are physically up away far from the first world. This colony is Earth and Martian mixed.

Next generation will be born Martians. The big next endeavor coming back to planet earth faster to celebrate Christmas still existing as the all the books of law and life were found to have been reviled in the late 20th century unknowingly. One moment changed the human view on a scale to start over and make the final peace for a long time since. We compare the outer body experience exactly to an astronaut in orbit. A lesson absorbed from childhood across the free educational cyber stellar platform.

Entertainment surprisingly adapted to be innovative as 5D creations in art and anything conceivable could be created. Relationships of the 20th century obscure as 19th century ideals of romance. Sex and love are on a whole different level physical and spiritual trends push for virtual"soul mates' or hookerbots. Few take on the fashion statement of daring to trying old school dating and porn like some soft treat or to be very different against the grain like say Amish who are still around. Taboo and eccentric it is like what hard core punk rockers once were.

Many taking on a Sinead O' Conner type following by ironically joining churches as clergy and spiritual counselors. Part of a new redeemed global spiritual constitution of truth, choice, and freedom. We discovered preaching morality or judgement wasn't useful. Murder is a big no-no since many victims can be frozen in anytime to save brain cells and revive with the miracles of body reconstruction/maintenance (formally known as surgery). Its almost futile to still commit crimes as literally we see everything in our clothing recording of detailed information pinged directly to a local cop shop. Perpetrator gets caught in 0 time and is subject to a brain fix. Repeat offenders a recorded historical low.

Children from the womb outsmart adults by this time. The processed foods now have been made better to not damage the body but preserve the body and brain, which future generations will benefit regard to disabilities becoming least, not as ever challenging from the previous era. Think spinal repairs. Stephen Hawkins would be proud as more ingenious like Einsteins run amok.

Rivalry greed jealousy any repeatable sin of the 7 are added to the ten previous commandments now revised in the 21st century version of a global book of life merged with all of the knowledge and answers to the mysteries of living on the earth in the flesh. To accept that by divine design we are all unique and same, blessed and gifted to distinguish and balance good and bad from birth. We now understand the meaning of life much clearer as we understand the value of breath of life.

Time strict but recalculated to match space time according to breakthroughs in numerical studies. Formally known as mathematics. Language is compute as familiar grammar is voiced into devices in code and programming most items from mornings start to when ever your suns sets for a real sleep to your virtual dreams.

The beast and insects of the earth regenerated and through mind control technology truce with human beings on a level never known in human existence. Grains for food regenerated to feed everyone on this planet without a price. A free and necessary staple for every living being on this planet.

Its like God exists since we have all come to realize that we still don't have as much control, as we do not know what the afterworld is. The mystery of how this existence started is revealed that it could never really be calculated as the multi-verse is still expanding but understood that we are elements of the existence of the universes.

The physical elements was always the privilege the world come to understand. The previous old world especially the 20th century mocked for the close calls and stupidity lived. More trillionaire bring bigger challenges to the point actual space games are played right above a controlled traffic of spacescape rented sold or bought as mini body regulated cabins to condos. Grab the earth shuttle, two running every 12 hours for a luxurious half hour ride to earth to shop for organic earth raised potatoes.


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