
Showing posts with the label Whoopi Goldberg

I can't believe 50 years since the civil rights act and things are far from civil

Image why aren't Afro Canadians protesting? Our state is complacent transient at best unfortunately until it happens here it just might be another day at the news park. 600 years of conditioning needs a reboot urgently. If only   the young able bodied boys out there could focus on uniting organizing educating and contradicting the system designed to eternally damn us. The only way is crash deprogramming not by only one person but all over 30 that know should do this to brethren as tradition from now on a small dip of W history and boycott commercialized vulture controlled hip hop which has branded a people for 30 years of the same if not worse esteem sub culture not  united as punk rock or even jazz now is. In the 90's the ball was dropped as our demographic was a new generation of naive 20 sames and our forebears were sweating to make our homestead while the oppressed were starting to grow a new birth rate of "...

summer simulation review 2015 ..

Virtual Rower for your Abs get real cut! The next self help generation of the internet for an artificial workout maybe more mind over matter. Extremely user friendly for all ages as you get coached to win for Oxford or Cambridge rowing team and compete for actual prizes! Make sure you stroke as told it gets extremely fast and energy goes fast! Good luck Unity scores again with awkward brain teasing method to keep this dude running, skateboarding, parkour or break dancing about PHYS RUN! There is a method to keep this bugger in his feet. I wonder it was 4D would it help balance. Remember number pattern games meets eye finger co ordination. I have yet to really get the knack but it is doable

James Franco and Seth Rogan Do Kanye West's Bound 2: See it Side by Side



In Da Hood Fer Real!!! 2013 I read was the year of anger in an angry decade in a jaded post traumatic century. I wrote an article previously on the appreciation of the good Whites that have contributed to the abolishment of slavery and equal rights. If it wasn't so our reality of the immediate & present state we claim we live in cyber age peace. To backtrack on history. The American revolution

Screenwriters LOWELL GANZ & BABALOO MANDEL: Tricks of the Tr

Image See What John Lennon Would Look Like at 73 (Hint: Kind of Like a College Professor!) Photo from Michael Galinsky's  Malls of America series .

Urokz Ford is not the mayor of Canada

Review on Minuum keyboard, Gravity the 3D interactive astronaut simulation game is here and it's real ! God bless America but why are American comedians giving advice on recovery to what they believe is the mayor of Canada? Time for Canada to balls up and make the change within the "system" that is just as heavily corrupted. Of course, Quebec needed a break! The big picture stems down to the communities that suffer silently from white collar, financial, and political injustice and oppression. Blighted, Main & Hastings in Vancouver has a cop shop right next door by Gastown near a port. How could any leader be screened for human nature or dysfunction? Ethics will always be challenging to be made right and left but no center or redemption. Law and ethics and media the new norm is established but has more power to divide. Breaking News: Postal service inspections in US involved in major child porn bust FYI...

Malala wins the Nobel and why

Give Peace A ChanceJohn Lennon Totally Qualifies As First Original Rap If you had a chance to see what this girl says, we could say media has it right this time and is on the right side to show what defiance against a disciplinary system or regime means.  It could mean living to die like this girl unintentionally did because she liked learning. The fact that high medical attention helped along with a greater higher power to help heal her physical and mental wounds. Her breath now lancing the enemies of her state as cowards. Candid statements that slate men afraid of women such that they simply kill school kids. This merits strengthening our freedoms to speak up about what we face ironically here in North America. Gun violence, abuse, poverty, and stirred governments, and yes we are to blame for much of the confusion and chaos coming at us daily on the news. We watch the product on a television crime show, or now get motivated on the rush of a shooting spree as ...

Urokz The BeaT Generation Bathust Bloor Honest Ed's

Lock n Load Like 1976 near the end of another piece of history on the corner of Bloor and Bathurst! A late night musician jams for generous tips across Honest Ed's

Urokz The BeaT Generation : The "Black male" issue. The quest for historical peace

11:27 sec on The Word  Colbert Reports on the White Experience need to get more black senators a solution? It’s actually much better than it was 1865. Demographic of age median Boomers vs. Millennial vs. Silent. The history simply shows history did make an impact but why s there's so much complication with race. The thug still exits and it is shared with a Black president in our existence. Not because he was “black” but he was competent. The image for fact is there are incarcerated black men.  Crimes are committed that usually are theft drug related. The motivation behind it is the perception from many our experiences with the same old nigger slur in each of our lifetime, that it is even merits being in the dictionary for the last 500 years as one of the original books of modern language with a worldly acknowledgement of the disgrace behind the term. History shows that like Israelite...

Do The Right Thing The Homeboy way..Charles Ramsey is proof the brothas have heart and work and can be outstanding citizens


Womb & man (draft editorial)

Wanna fly a plane? Virtually?!!! Director Karen Cho , Peggy Cooke (The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada),  Martha Friendly (Childcare Resource and Research Unit) and Barbara Mills (Founder of Sisters in Solidarity and Domestic Violence Consultant, Advocate and Lecturer) will be in attendance for a discussion after the screening. This screening is a co-presentation with the National Film Board of Canada, The Childcare Resource and Research Unit, The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, and the Philippine Women Centre of Ontario. The eve nt is BY DONATION. STATUS QUO? THE UNFINISHED BUSINESS OF FEMINISM IN CANADA Karen Cho / CA / 2012 / 87 ' / English First I was apprehensive. I donated my admission, women all staunch in their seats. I admit I was scared. I wast sure if I was going to be...