Urokz The BeaT Generation : The "Black male" issue. The quest for historical peace

It’s actually much better than it was 1865. Demographic of age median Boomers vs. Millennial vs. Silent. The history simply shows history did make an impact but why s there's so much complication with race. The thug still exits and it is shared with a Black president in our existence. Not because he was “black” but he was competent. The image for fact is there are incarcerated black men. 
Crimes are committed that usually are theft drug related. The motivation behind it is the perception from many our experiences with the same old nigger slur in each of our lifetime, that it is even merits being in the dictionary for the last 500 years as one of the original books of modern language with a worldly acknowledgement of the disgrace behind the term.
History shows that like Israelites who crossed the Moses way, were enslaved and still until the commandments arrived in stone. Irony is still both groups got burn as wickedness and indulgence of power freedom and shared resources by “leadership” didn’t learn. Again as with slavery colonialist Afrika was invaded and the people savagely taken apart genetically and biologically. We understand that there environment was also that had rules and leaders. They were also mixed among the pioneers of the land of a now real majority as fifth and sixth cousins. Africa has still a worst shape of state of the union, akin to what still is happening in the Middle East politically. Once again the power shared among the well educated and spirit of the 7 sins. The exploited” without any real objective or unification to brings us all together.
Now overshadowed by more urgent affairs of typical man made crimes globally, like white collar corruption and war. The image has increased to be more menacing with the realities of finding solutions. Education for example has been opened via affirmative action, yet other interests have also reserved the constitution rights such as LGBT to opportunity. Where it gets tricky is today we have a color blind sided culture where with differences will come the right to express preferences no matter how extreme or fanatic it could be like cults , religions, politics. 
To a black male early on it is about conditioning of habits formed by the color blind corruption marketing. There was never really an end game to any negotiation on race relations. Once the powers were limited to the few that indirectly sacrificed their ancestry by selling out to what was already wrong.
The Uncle Tom’s helped by we remained divided by lack of unity. It would be fair to say the reason we have a president to day is because someone had to kiss ass regardless of color but when it came down to it Blacks had to kiss in order to big kick ass back, that the nature of the business beast. Now black men have been sold on basketball, music, and slowly starting to see the acceleration of prodigies as the one that live and are introduced to think and live outside the box. This is why it is crucial for any black child male and female to learn from early the real low down of race relations early.  As babies aren’t born racist as much as killers or adulterers. Somehow, abuse or and conditioning runs blood deep for many. 
Much like royalty is sustained by the establishment of the monarchy.  Some cultures are staunch of traditions and ancestral, endorsements of arraigned cultural preservation, which is fair.  This could be the case in most Africa as the demographic is split still for endorsing inters racial marriage on both sides. Black woman not living with arrangements or options. That might be easily reduced as the western Black men have an identity that is yet in need to come out of the human rights closet.   It took much time after the 50s to be considered men or lived with curfews only to live with so much post traumatic uncertainty. Of course generations of family relied on God to preserve the people.
As today with the amounts of mothered children, the post trauma is unrelieved when we could look at a rap video that begs to promise the riches could be gained by imitating the image represented, because everybody agreed with Tupac. Still in the end Suge movement didn’t help clean up the image as the facts were there being lived everyday trough profiling and arrests before the age of 10. Just like the father before the post trauma of jail like the Chicago Seven runs so deep for the wrong conviction it like any injustice under a demented sadist walking the street undetected.  The disappointment that the whole world might just forget you and you might never have a chance to get out unless you God willing get some urgent help to be free and heal.
The image and look of the black male is synonymous with the image of the middle aged Caucasian. They look and act and speak as we see in advertisements to get a product out more. Like a burger joint in an inner city area will most likely represent to identify the social identity or profile of that burger client. 
The music and physical talents have been amplified to set the bar for where a black male could succeed mostly in those disciplines exclusively. Much like putting the image of anything the black mug shot is mosaic is a big one and the odds of reforming that headshot is a lifetime bummer to any chance. The options is like a Uncle Tom 2.0 of redemption by getting rich or die trying acceptance because we conditionally have assumed we have not much options  or avenues to make a difference even if it is indirect. Like Snoop No Guns allowed could make a significant difference.
The acceptance of the bboy has always now been labeled under a show of resilience and strength. Less than that doesn’t resonate with manly conditioning of daddy being gangster and mommy loves him because he represents survival in a real world.  So of course a ball cap and sneakers represent our look from young until we chance to dare to be different. We don’t know who we really are besides or own ancestral talents from former slaves. Many too few leaders with the exception of Mandela still are on hands to make progress that final dream of equality. The stalemate is we are all in financial problems and in is within our own divided people’s trust of who runs things. Shout out to Detroit!
The Africa image hasn’t help us growing up knowing that starvation was deliberate in the desserts until some nice people who were white and still today protest and contribute on a humanity scale to bail the crisis out because a conscious set in which was rare.  The post effect was many were able to move and live a new life.
Many still are in that rash reaction of drought and continuously wonder why is this still happening to be overshadowed by more serious newsworthy crisis.  Energy and natural resources predominate free as one day one is born to ever bring the people together is now.
We understand that we are all blood but those working eyes see differences everyday which is great but what if the whole black African nation got together? Would the white population especially the not racist one’s mind the separation? Like roommates maybe the separation could do us real good because maybe we will totally miss each other.

We leave them with the odd culture we wore genetically for times. We emulate what we have learnt from history. Creating and building a society lay an eco simulation game. Military for a new start but no weapons unless for food use. You come back with aggression or try to bomb us the karma is simply on you!  Everybody love everybody peace. Yes whites could come by yet not get too comfortable to stay. We most likely won’t want to go back to the Old west but hey the odd visit to observe the culture and ski is fair. Trades could work but you got to like us enough to do business with us or else its all spoiled! No more drug traffiking, no more hatred to one love only!
Then there's Facebook...

 More thugs need hugs from whites! DO IT! I dare ya!!! Smother the "thug", with love. Everyday! When you see that hooded kid walking gansta style, I dare "you" to go up to "him" and tell "him" that you love him and will encourage his education. His right to opportunity. His right to do good and get paid for it. Embrace his brilliance and complement him on "his" daily achievements. Just do it. So much Gd lip service on skin tone" semantics. The language and dialogue hasnt changed in over 500 years. Anytime, there was an opportunity or an advancement it was always obliterated or severely cut by the same mistakes his Ivy League friends have the money to commit, with civil impunity, first established by founding fathers. Not the slaves. We are always reminded that civil rights is a privilage kept at bay. This is just North America. Now in Africa and most black nations there seems to be some uncertain fate as the union of the people has been jaded by the common political system introduced by the colonialists movements. So thats messed up. So how do we clean slate? Everyone is too busy or poor to bother like its was properly engrained into our dna by conditioning to accept this state of being. Just hug the thug out?

so I wrote this during a post forum and of course an individual of "let us be fair" entitled background responded.

"...(my name in lower caps): get help".

my response to the idiot?

 this is just what I expected. obviously I irked you by mentioning to "hug a thug" Seems like you just proved the point. For you to tell me to get help is just showing your ignorance and blatant bigoty. Of course you represent the majority of folk that cant handle the expression of a "black" male person.Voicing an opinion. Did you watch Colbert "funny" take on the "black male"? Sure thats political satire they say. If you actually realise that when we so satirically say hug a thug, society winces. Who wants to hug a black boy in a hoody, or smile or say have a nice day. Fear of being robbed or shot? You are not with the experience as Im sure you havent been in a situation to "defend" anyone from this type of hatred. What have you done to help ? You are definately with your point of views but not the solution. Even if you choose to humiliate me and make like its so crazy to loose stereotypes to an idea says volumes. Like a Toronto mayor shaking a Hells hand for a photo op.You represent typical modern " I have a black friend" so I am color blind. I bet you might have been called a N$$$r also when you were a kid. So you relate. Keep representing the arrogance and ignorance.In the meantime...your perfect and entitled. Blessings. BTW there does exist...in our world...great Black boys to men if you really open your eyes and stop watching the news and dont be so DG patronizing. No wonder there will be "angry young black men" among us. No one trust the other.

In conclusion, I just realized that...humanity has changed a little for the better in all senses. The only problem is we still see the worst in some humans.


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