
Showing posts with the label science

First MultiRacial Mayoral Family in NY!! Aeromobil 2 5 prototype Flaying Car Made in Slovakia:



Richard Raybourne Digital Resume Toronto, Canada UrokzTheBeaTGeneration review is a freelance vlog curator on current affairs, entertainment, simulator games, and health Greetings! My name is Richard Raybourne, and I am wholeheartedly interested in your endeavors to bring entertainment, neuron technology, simulation, and augmented reality health sciences to the masses finally! Digital Roots I am 44 years old and was born in Montreal, Quebec Canada. I am part of the last generation X’ers born post star trek/pre-digital tech and played with actual toys. "The Six Million Dollar Man" set, Pong, Electronic Quarterback (1980 Coleco), Digital Derby (1977), original Astro Blaster arcade champion 1979, Pink Panther pinball champion. Last game of Joust in 1982 with my treasured original Timex LCD digital watch (red digits 76' with suede band),my aunt from Queen...

Urokz The Beat Generation: Who knows?

Kinect: the end of the type keyboarding era by  PrimeSense  now in this "future" age! Props to The West gang with North! Prince William grown up for real real! From the day you registered for a social insurance number, or an email address with one of the landmark titan servers of the era namely Netscape, your electronic information has always been compromised.  I recall in the year 1988 when I first saw electronic mail come to be screened in pale ms dos font running right off some word processor from Lloyds Electronics. A telephone line was needed in order to receive the "buzzwewow" fibre optic sound to fax the visible screen information post scripted on the screen with around 2  to 5 sentences. Today the confusion most likely started with the eventually "meme" produced Rob "base' Ford video that most likely doesn't exist. This was an undercover reason for the ...

The Beat Generation February 5 2013 Black History recognises white contribution

the problem with legalisation vs probition of weed. Are the doctors legalised pushers? Black historymonth I choose to celebrate the other ethnicities and whites that contributed to the Afro civil rights cause women in war vs prostitution guns the indoor pool Good day! My name is Richard Raybourne, and I am whole heartedly interested in your endeavors to bring neuro technology, simulation, and augmented reality and health sciences to the masses finally! Digital Roots I am 44 years old and was born in Montreal, Quebec Canada. I am part of the last generation xers born pre digital tech and played with "The Six Million Dollar Man" set, Pong, Electronic Quarterback  (1980 coleco)!!, Digital Derby (1977), original Astro Blaster champion 1979, Pinball of course, The LCD digital watch (red digits 76') . Our generation cre...

Aria Maestosa instructed by The Six Million dollar man Kevin

Aria Maestosa and what it could be used for if you are an inspiring music composer. Kevin (The Six Million dollar man) shows us how to play the music you recorded. The recoding track, user manuel is easy, basically print your musical score, your composed music (background), a band to go ,even karaoke back up! Donation are always good for the freeware!

Aria Maestosa instructed by The Six Million dollar man Kevin

Aria Maestosa and what it could be used for if you are an inspiring music composer. Kevin (The Six Million dollar man) shows us how to play the music you recorded. The recoding track, user manuel is easy,  basically print your musical score, your composed music (background), a band to go ,even karaoke back up! Donation are always good for the freeware!

Aria Maestosa instructed by The Six Million dollar man Kevin

Aria Maestosa and what it could be used for if you are an inspiring music composer. Kevin (The Six Million dollar man) shows us how to play the music you recorded. The recoding track, user manuel is easy,  basically print your musical score, your composed music (background), a band to go, even karaoke back up! Donation are always good for the freeware!

Aria Maestosa music compostition software app instructions

Aria Maestosa and what it could be used for if you are an inspiring music composer. Kevin (The Six Million dollar man)shows us how to play the music you recorded your composed music (background), a band to go, even karaoke back up!

Blade Runner part deux

'Blade Runner 2': Ridley Scott Harrison Ford countdown! Yes! The timing and atmosphere is just near perfect for our updated cyber sequel. The first part of Blade Runner back in 198? was a masterpiece that i saw in theatres. The buzz then, was not since Close Encounters or Star Wars had a movie been script been written with the detective gum shoe element. The plot of living for ever being human and making mistakes in a future world polluted in rainfallout. Giant vid ad lights overpower a few fly vehicle shadows. 

Urokz's Blog The Beat Generation

"Who I am" author Pete Townshend totally hooks us up witty with Jon Stewart last night. Speaking about his old school band The Who, and The  Kinks in a positive light and how today's music industry is better with innovation. Like, #The Beatles and Stones were all good non rival crews. Today one has an enormous avenue of possibilities to seed a dream with technological advantage. Respectively, Townshend, speaks of his old school days on blogsspot. Back sometime, I even remember was like , ten ?  Thirteen years ago? Like, that's the kid on the television commercial right? He comes clean about the appreciation for young talent and computer electronic music. Nice to see all generations coming together on the same beat. October 08, 2012 - Pete Townshend - The Daily Show With Jon Stewart - Full Episode Video | Comedy Central

How to escape a Black Hole in space article from Time

How to Escape from a Black Hole | Science and Space | Urokz's Blog This is a good thing. At least one has a dream that is shared with others that believe that theory. So, of they get some dollars to do such a dream to reality. To possibly save ones bones and ass from being sucked into a black hole. Time travel then only is possible. I would think . I mean humanity has not yet challenged going against gravity as scientific space exploration is working to push forward infinite. Like the sun, how the front door could any object withstand the sun pulling in its flames? That gravitational jigsaw is in the box of the universe. The Black hole a sort of manufacturer? Retailer of something more on the other side. Figuring out how to get there and back would be a duelling task.

Transportation 2020

Fascinating how much gasoline costs have risen since 192what? Watch "Early Automobiles 1920s" on YouTube