Toronto, Canada
UrokzTheBeaTGeneration review is a freelance vlog curator on current affairs, entertainment, simulator games, and health
Greetings! My name is Richard Raybourne, and I am wholeheartedly interested in your endeavors to bring entertainment, neuron technology, simulation, and augmented reality health sciences to the masses finally!
Digital Roots

I am 44 years old and was born in Montreal, Quebec Canada. I am part of the last generation X’ers born post star trek/pre-digital tech and played with actual toys. "The Six Million Dollar Man" set, Pong, Electronic Quarterback (1980 Coleco), Digital Derby (1977), original Astro Blaster arcade champion 1979, Pink Panther pinball champion. Last game of Joust in 1982 with my treasured original Timex LCD digital watch (red digits 76' with suede band),my aunt from Queens bought me.


Our eclectic peace generation created and established Hip Hop, Punk, and Rock in alternative forms to merge, including world beat and electronic. E.g. Afrika Bammbatta, Malcolm McLaren, Velvet Underground and yes The Stones!
Donkey Kong and Pac Man became animated cartoons for latch key babies, nerds were still segregate from the cool ones. Revenge of The Nerds helped soothe wedgies and the hardest interactive video arcade game at the time Dragons Lair. BMX, skaters, as well as preppy and goth sub cultures spawned.

The 80 teens

In my late teens after graduating from high school in 1986, I did some acting and absorbed all that industry had to offer since 1985. I recall producers had shoebox sized portable phones. The rage of 1988 was dialing into word processed hardware. A typed message was wired through the common phone line. The electric word processed mail/message, received into early programming lingo (processed/translated from those large flat thin, dangerously sharp, black floppy discs).
The thick shelled monitor shows the message after the phone line stopped ringing. Printed off the truck cab Xerox machine, basically it was early fax.

Snake and Ladders, fantasy role playing that were on game boards and card decks introduced 3rd party players by electronic social interaction.

New Age Gurus Duke Nukem 90s

1991, I graduated with a degree in Communications & Creative Arts at Dawson College. (College radio Station/Production Manager 1989)

Academies du Design et Technologies 1997 - Studied the early days of building websites with application software engineers Dream Weaver, Adobe Premiere, Quark Express, The Mosaic from Netscape merging with the Electronic mail marrying and spawning what is now the staple of our social digital communication since the typewriter and Western Union!

Also to get notable mention, the Motorola cell phone had the option to (LCD screens) to merge a phone number to digital message from your email. The cheaper wiser choice was simple phone text messages. I wasn't happy so many tools apart! I was ready to hike with my "pouch bag". Remember the "pouch bag", cellular, pager, Walkman, watch in tow.

Highway we called it back in da day 2000...

The social change of the early 21st century was dynamic and fast. In 2000, I had Clear net for the option to text and read email and read the world news in hypertext via my Yahoo.

By the year 2003 pre social media is established after the 9-11. Music, market goods and trade, adult gaming, now incorporated with websites and dot com investors. On-line chat, forums, Windows Media, Napster's, YouTube, Google search engine powers of information mining. It was expensive if you wanted a faster bandwidth then dial up. Fiber optics was integrated in ground.

2013 is that “future” now
It has been a solid 20 years since that cyber baby birth and now many grandparents cell plans roam. Cyber universe is about to embark bigger breakthroughs than the previous five centuries.

I offer my expertise, sense of humor, insight on trends, and of course concepts to innovating ideas to evolve, help, educate, and soothe the New Age generation user of all ages!


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