
Showing posts with the label sitcoms

Post September 11 2001 television producer David Angell, and the day Golden TV died

Have you ever seen the Emmy winning sitcom CHEERS,  David Angell was one of the great 20th century television sitcom producers. The day television became reality for me, was when I heard a great television creator was in the the first aircraft. I could not help to stop thinking was he going to LA to pitch a new classic series after Frazier?  How does the radio and television machine recover this "shock and awesome" sucker punch not seen or prepared for since Pearl Harbor. The pride and of course freedom now under direct threat and scrutiny with debates of how with the all the intelligence, news, creative story telling, and media we couldn't see it coming.  I  vividly recall watching in the afternoon a brief heart stopping news flash in 1992. Clinton was in house and I recall seeing a news obtained clip from national sources that a group called Al Qaeda, was preparing for war against America. Demonstrating on old VCR footage, working out on monkey bars,...

Urokz's VLOG Oct 31,2012: Storm shout outs, Star Wars reunion? The Fonz ...

My prayers to all in New York and New Jersey, thank God it wasn't still as devastating as previous tragic storms in the last decade. Peace! Underground subway might need to overground..I mean is underground travel really safe? Shout to Henry "Fonzie" Winkler on his 66th Ayyyyy!" Malala goes home to Pakistan! I petition for the original cast of STAR WARS to reunite at least by film 9! They better not pull an ABBA.which means simply ABBA ALWAYS freakin sys they will never reunite...I mean the freakin Beatles did even without John! So yes feel the Pressure Hans Luke and Leia to be on the screen! For yout sake! pease and loaf=ves Urokz American Idol

Bronze the Fonz Milwaukee 2006 final rough cut Pt 1
