Malala for Peace Prize, a movie about Walt Disney, American Oil Boom

A revolution has started among the youth and women in Pakistan as the rest of the world. This is why I signed the petition I AM MALALA!! I totally agree with her receiving the Noble Peace Prize!

A movie about Walt Disney, is almost like pulling off a "Chaplin" which former SNL alumni Robert Downey Jr. won an Oscar for Best Actor in 1992. I would expect not too kitchy 60s Tom playing (as most usual bread and butter) the living legend and big boss running things as the genius behind the existence of industrial animation. The storyline is about how he had to raise money to re adapt the silver screen production of Mary Poppins, (a flying homemaker which was based on a previous children books in London.)
Now, correct me if  I'm wrong, if I am correct this is one of the first movies made about this dead wizard of technology, photography, cinema, art, and fantasy. It has too be KICKASS! and possibly make you CRY and man "that WAS walt the guy". you get it.
For musical score I bet Oscar... I mean Mary Poppins man!!? 1964 Julie Andrews Best Actress, Best Adapted Screen Play Becket, Best Original Song, and Best Substantially Original Score Richard M Sherman & Richard B. Sherman. WHAAAAT!!  Pressha! Will we feel the nostalgia? It was almost fifty years ago you know. That's not that long ago.Times were way different then and changes were coming.
I share this link of Perez Hilton with some exclusive pics of Tom looking like a ..umm..maybe if Walt didn't actually die and is still among us look. Kinda hard to watch at first as the "character that Tom plays has actually been dead and has been for quite some time and sort of  not so long if you are at least a boomer in 1966. Also that weird rumor about him being Cyrogenic, frozen pop. He didn't make it to see a new concept of early sci fi television and films like Star Trek and Star Wars, E.T.Avatar, Toy Story but his balls to do what most might have thought was crazy crazy for history education and time remains a testament to following your dreams.
( intuition says Robort aka Bobby De Niro should be Disney in a biopic. I mean Disney had the brow and the glare. An air of mystery and conviction.)

Today Mary Poppins some how is a ritual of reading and film/media upbringing. Virtually most babies and toddlers (at least in North America) have seen this umbrella 18th century nanny occupy their time with SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS! I think I spelt it right in the one shot.

Speaking of golden years what is up with this far right movement called Golden Dawn? Appearently this is another movement that has gotten some support with KKK(est. 1866 ya know and many like myself have been following since the election!) Oh, and yes these right winged movements are alive and well! Still in an era when many could think things have gotten better. The new rebooted approach is a gentler, tolerant, but speak and indoctrinate the childs milky mind has always worked. This is why a diverse leader of the Most Powerful nation is shaking some nerves as they Greece, might have to borrow some coin to stay afloat. Along with many educated and uneducated red blooded young men that lack positive leadership. They result to violence and blame using the crime of hatred. Defiance of the legal immigrants who suffer the same fate regardless of their race, or religion.

America finally got the oil!!

This is a Anti Bullying week in Toronto..this means just LOVE week right!

The World's Fastest Super Computer lookout!

and finally speaking of the Beat Generation this New Google Search Engine brings you back to the future for real like 1982. Real cute and Sweet!



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