
Showing posts with the label Nobel Peace Prize

coming up ...Its Not Funny

Image Is criminal behavior of mental illness, future tech to approved brain neurology to possibly understand and re charge certain neurons to turn off or deactivate like nicotine the urge to "murder and or abuse" Tragic Comedy and behavior I mean society was once entertained by selection or not of being thrown in a pit of lions. Guillotined, Steak burning, crucifixion, martyrdom, With the first recorded murder being Cain and Able like "cocaine and cable". We learned of greed and pride. The seven deadly sins. FRESH ZULUS:Where Were You in MCMLXXXII ?   Coming of age story on breakdancing, guns, and loss of innocence. Neanderthals Cro Magnon did not have the brain capacity we have now to know right from wrong in sense of apathy without judgement, when conscious effort by design

Wingsuit Pro Android iOS Gameplay Walkthrough

Wingsuit - Proximity Project WINGSUIT PRO Anne Sweeney: TV president rewriting rules for digital age DAREDEVIL RIDER DUKE NUKEM 3D 3D Turbo Car Driving Odyssey

Xbox You know it's 2014 in less than 3 weeks!?

Ask the White House from your house-with a Skype video message I take on the hard forces and served solid blows against this VR Kinect bully! Bloor Street location grand turnout. As usual the load time is longish but this is a real time 3 min workout in full example. Yes it could feel a little silly if your living room silhouette shadow boxing is seen but who cares it fun and you actually gain a tip of basic self defense queues.  I await a hologram beamed from a 3D virtual dynamic. Possible nippled body patches to actually feel a chosen level of pain to sim a real beat down feel. Now thats HIFI !for ALL AGES! I understand we should be all free and educated, I feel the message of getting out of an oppressive state and jail is a very common message. Mandela just prevented our right to fight back as it would have taken many white lives definitely to an escalation unseen in world history. The IFP was ready to rage full out civil war. Mandela was a martyr in surviving and had th

James Franco and Seth Rogan Do Kanye West's Bound 2: See it Side by Side


Malala wins the Nobel and why

Give Peace A ChanceJohn Lennon Totally Qualifies As First Original Rap If you had a chance to see what this girl says, we could say media has it right this time and is on the right side to show what defiance against a disciplinary system or regime means.  It could mean living to die like this girl unintentionally did because she liked learning. The fact that high medical attention helped along with a greater higher power to help heal her physical and mental wounds. Her breath now lancing the enemies of her state as cowards. Candid statements that slate men afraid of women such that they simply kill school kids. This merits strengthening our freedoms to speak up about what we face ironically here in North America. Gun violence, abuse, poverty, and stirred governments, and yes we are to blame for much of the confusion and chaos coming at us daily on the news. We watch the product on a television crime show, or now get motivated on the rush of a shooting spree as digi


FRESH ZULUS: Where Were You in MCMLXXXII ?  Createspace Indiegogo Start Up for Fresh Zulus Black men in pain need our help Getting ready for NY first  woman president in 2016! Welcome to the future! We are looking good healthy. I thought, what of our ancestors probably having it nowhere near better into their era of existence. Same issues common of democracy wealth health labor and taxes. The dysfunctional generations previously never looked as good as now. What happens if say twins or more are born into royalty? 3 Kings? 5 Quintupling Queens? Is it the first one? I often think what is it that could convince a person to want to bare arms for ones leadership to murder. Notice. Leaders are never two person (Mr. Mrs leader ) but just one. To call the judgement and to collect our tax. Now when it comes down to warring chemical weapons this is a serious deal!  Yet, they are al

Post September 11 2001 television producer David Angell, and the day Golden TV died

Have you ever seen the Emmy winning sitcom CHEERS,  David Angell was one of the great 20th century television sitcom producers. The day television became reality for me, was when I heard a great television creator was in the the first aircraft. I could not help to stop thinking was he going to LA to pitch a new classic series after Frazier?  How does the radio and television machine recover this "shock and awesome" sucker punch not seen or prepared for since Pearl Harbor. The pride and of course freedom now under direct threat and scrutiny with debates of how with the all the intelligence, news, creative story telling, and media we couldn't see it coming.  I  vividly recall watching in the afternoon a brief heart stopping news flash in 1992. Clinton was in house and I recall seeing a news obtained clip from national sources that a group called Al Qaeda, was preparing for war against America. Demonstrating on old VCR footage, working out on monkey bars, front kic

Learn and Practice Virtual Heart Surgery w Luck Heart! For ALL AGES

 LUCK HEART SURGERY Heart surgery could be quite difficult to perform if you don't practice! Luck Heart Surgery is one of the smartest virtual challenges where you get to be chief surgeon and over see your assistants prep the patient as they apply anesthesia, montior oxygen, & blood-works! You need to learn the anatomy of the heart before making deep chest cracking incisions! A monitor will beat as long as you do your job well and save this patient from flat lining!


Image The science and politics. If wine could be legalized as now a health benefit in moderation, the next day a "big macking" with enough carcinogens to make a cigarette. Teens are no more different than ? An ancestry of teens. Before the 1960's, so many other "bad things" were around like world war and moonshine and yet the world still managed to evolve. Give teens a bit more credit than demoralizing them all the time. Not ALL TEENS smoke pot. Easy on the news (News job is 80% bad news ,15 % good and now with weather & sports.) Actually many teens and adults in our free democratic world are having more unprotected sex, texting, drinking, driving drunk, taking prescription meds to "fix" anxiety or build inertia. Pop, chips, diets, unus

War Needs No More Chances

Once again we the are on brink of the tiresome threat of some global war conflict. Again. Children, babies, girls, parents, siblings are the victims. Where does such gall come from, to dictate to and influence the illiterate and oppressed. Educated leaders have always been the ones to lead by example to represent the people. Like Castro, Putin, had counter pointed the west based on the legitimate, that they had been well read and educated to influence the socially vulnerable. Promises to make better a stronger union of the material world they, asked pawns, serfs, to carry out tasks in order to get fed, enlisted to fight for an honor of the masticates they paid taxes to. We still entrust particular individuals with an appointed team to be responsible for the nations of a people. Not to gas out the people as a means to make a barbaric point. How on earth could this be in such an advanced time of enlightenment? Passover is a direct reference to the genocide of children (written as maj

Bronze the Fonz Milwaukee 2006 Pt 1

One of the best days of my life was meeting Henry Winkler The Fonz of Happy Days! (Henry Winkler receives a Bronze the Fonz statue in Milwaukee Harbourfront)

Afro Fatherhood Today walking down the street I saw a gentleman. He was about 6'4. Dressed in black ankle length jeans broken sock less shoes beaten from the salt of motors. A puffed out of style female cut black coat he breezes willfully to ask anyone within proximity of his hand out contact for money. Unshaven he still pursues to and manages to occasionally get a loose change or on a good day a five dollars. I have seen this chap do this for years. There is also that gentleman in his graceful years completely carrying a wisdom of deep humility to grovel on the subway floor. Unattainable to even speak with because simply no one generally does speak to him. Where he sleeps at night is not likely a shelter. His skin is earthed and beaten hard possibly many times physically. If not some poison altered his mind to a state that his is living incomprehensible  Yet his heart is beating in his ches