Domestic violence lesson one: Follow your instincts for intervention even if you are a man. You can help

I had just arrived home to cook some Chinese frozen food. I was hungry. Judge Joe Brown was schooling me on the set "to do the right thing" as I was packing my fridge icer. I heard some thunderous bounce shake my wall and half the bachelor. I went out my balcony to catch air of the situation next door. At first it sounded not to be hanky nor panky. She sounded distress. To be honest I was a bit worried for a moment. (I knew of domestic violence happening but never expected to intervene). Bang of table and wares, damn knocked my mini flat screen plug out of its socket from the wall like three times. Almost knocked the whole wall right off and I live right above a subway and flood storms are quieter. I heard quiet. Then decided to make a move if not then as I also noticed he was outside the apartment building balancing out himself, like he was drunk. I heard some yelling from her wall. In the hallway quickly I knocked her door and it took like five seconds for her to peep and open the door full wide. "Are you ok? It sounds like you were being thrown on the wall as I heard screams." I offered to invite her to call police as he was out side, or lock the door and I'll call from my place. She repeatedly said yes, please call the police.

Her sister, the woman said, was on her way. She was dressed in a long blue shirt. Both nostrals yellowed with mucus,eyes quite dark redded. Her left arm looked tracky like squeezed or stepped. Barefeet toenails were painted red I asked are you sure? To make sure because I was like, you know now I'll be all up in that. But I knew those sounds could have been fatal as they sounded like hard thuds. I told her to lock the door. I went home to dial. She nearly hugged me and gave a firm hold on my hand as I went back. On my balcony I was starting to realize that time was running out as the elevator would bring him up. I quickly went back to the neighbours and got her on my line with 911. Nerdy me standing bare chested with just glasses, a nipple ring , holding up my shorts and sandles, not even considering my risk to my small frame. She kept speaking to that cheeky operator.

Of course as life is always a cliffhanger. The elevator ran. We looked. Doors opened. He exited and walked right back in the pad as she spoke in the doorway. Without eye contact. That was moment that could have been prickly. She answered the darn questions to the operator as she then changed her tone and stated that "this was the first time he did this", she was seeing him for a time she couldn't yet come up with as a sort of year. "Forget the call , don't bother I am "ok" now" She didnt need an ambulance. (I begged to differ but could be another political story).I'm thinking now is this where this dude like "I don't know might pull the freak out and Hannibal on us. Finally the weird emergency call ended. Finally. After two life long minutes. I didnt get a chance to even speak to the operator to close the call. She went back in!!!I go lock my ass door as I hear her letting him have it loud. He left quickly as a mini van of folk arrived.

I chilled and hoped the peace would arrive asap. Eventually, ate my quick waved dish of pineapple chicken, rice and egg roll. A non alchoholic beer. Chilled and thought hmm. A family of ladies came down. A grand daddy, and some pal o bro schoolin him on hard quiet facts code, that appears to say "you are so fucked dude, what were you thinking". The cops arrived. The big one spoke to him with a turse question memed as "Did you hit..." a moment of response from his expression of impunity was swiftly turned and read his rights in front of the "kin van folk".

It appeared that he was being school'd hard on laws for women in Canada and domestic abuse like he had no idea. This dude looked too way calm or high. I realized then that same newlewhats 'woman had a thin medical bandage of sort around her throat a few days before. We all shared the elevator for one floor and it was weird instinct. I'm glad I did the right thing. The real manly thing without trying to be a superhero.

FINALLY SOME BREAKING GOOD HEADLINE NEWS!!!! My God bless them as "Super Lifers"

They are the few that have survived the brimstone, ressurected, live to tale, and help others to survive!!!


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