coming up ...Its Not Funny

Is criminal behavior of mental illness, future tech to approved brain neurology to possibly understand and re charge certain neurons to turn off or deactivate like nicotine the urge to "murder and or abuse"

Tragic Comedy and behavior

I mean society was once entertained by selection or not of being thrown in a pit of lions. Guillotined, Steak burning, crucifixion, martyrdom, With the first recorded murder being Cain and Able like "cocaine and cable". We learned of greed and pride. The seven deadly sins.

Coming of age story on breakdancing, guns, and loss of innocence.

Neanderthals Cro Magnon did not have the brain capacity we have now to know right from wrong in sense of apathy without judgement, when conscious effort by design of motherhood clans.

There was no real order and no sophistication for ethics or the concept of justice. That still presents that original sin since the ethics haven't changed for some. Politically history tells us 2 things,

one: man is mere dust and 2: everyone has suffered some disobedience and discipline, negative feelings, moods.

When the environment is pleasant, the serotonin of laughter and pleasurable feelings are genuine. The perception of tears having to flow in physiological matter through and eye lid make us all human.
So where do alll the crazies come from? Why is there so still much strife as poor get poorer. Education from what or who excepts the books and lecture, we absorb from institutions. Historically religion, was established to foster belief in a logic that life wasn't only in the flesh yet miraculous things happen and still amaze us. So best not murder your brother, or sister, or mother.

Stephen Hawkins amazes but if the opportunity for real conditioned life was to happen, he socially could have been discredited far more, as much as his lifetime here.

Then there's well dressed image of social clan ship and class. Hitler was psychologically dysfunctional enough to take his own life, it was a depression" that he somehow was able to use and manipulate the state. Post wars and PTSD, brain damage, as we know now is a growing problem because society powers refute that being brave and smart cannot be mentally ill.

The bible so far is the only known historical account of failed leaders and same errors mistakes failures of the spirit due to the 7 deadly sins. Still not learning that this temporal words like "retard" and circus freaks, mental illness was mimicked in how society viewed those individuals as "characters" portrayed as undesirables or even demons!

Being human with beliefs. Is humor sane? Satire or comedy has always been seen  self depreciating. Woes, and mishaps are performed by individuals that might have experience and abuse before the addiction. The social rejection by bullying or ridiculed could be rewarded by "laughing at our selves to make a living convincing our world that everything is OK.

The history of the comedy and tragedy goes way back before Aristotle or Shakespeare. Recently, I couldn't help but wonder when I see comedians perform a monologue, that might have their mental illness as a career booster. which might of course get exploited for millions and vanity.

So much cynicism could only do so much damage. Emotions is a billion dollar industry. When you see a "thriller" you are expected to get scared. A chick flick or bachelorette you get misty eyed and want to get married asap. Or you laugh at the burn of the week. Humor in contemporary times based on the town monologues performed by the jesters focus delicately on insults to presidents.

Coming of age story on breakdancing, guns, and loss of innocence.

Political "pun"dits reflect by cartoon and mimicry of what should be a general conscious. Shakespeare's sense of humor was dark as reflected in a time when there was no public sanitation. Lack of education, oppression buffoonery and plenty of entertainment music . Why do we like to laugh considering there is so much serious shit going on in the wold since the beginning of time? Is it in our DNA as it is prescribed as a health benefit. The impact of humor hasn't historically made a significant difference when it comes to world peace like leaders playing a soccer match.

Johnathan Winters improvisation master, Kat Williams, Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, Freddy Prince. Then legend like Don "bitter" Rickles is a riot when roasting. Charles Chaplin best pushed the envelope with Hitler parodies as well as Mel Brooks who lived through the uprising.

Coming of age story on breakdancing, guns, and loss of innocence.

Misfits of misfortune from Laurel Hardy , Harold Lloyd, The Max Brothers, Abbot Costello, Stooges satirized how inapt folks behave under stresses after a high fall or slap to the face. Carole Burnett and Amanda Bynes ,when you look at performances makes you want to examine what went wrong that these people so needed to extrovert these gifts of us laughing at them.

Coming of age story on breakdancing, guns, and loss of innocence.


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