
Showing posts with the label Aboriginal

I can't believe 50 years since the civil rights act and things are far from civil

Image why aren't Afro Canadians protesting? Our state is complacent transient at best unfortunately until it happens here it just might be another day at the news park. 600 years of conditioning needs a reboot urgently. If only   the young able bodied boys out there could focus on uniting organizing educating and contradicting the system designed to eternally damn us. The only way is crash deprogramming not by only one person but all over 30 that know should do this to brethren as tradition from now on a small dip of W history and boycott commercialized vulture controlled hip hop which has branded a people for 30 years of the same if not worse esteem sub culture not  united as punk rock or even jazz now is. In the 90's the ball was dropped as our demographic was a new generation of naive 20 sames and our forebears were sweating to make our homestead while the oppressed were starting to grow a new birth rate of "...

Post Winter Storm 2013

Premiers of the Province of Canada Pauline Marois Quebec Alison Redford Alberta Christy Clark British Columbia Kathy Dunderdale Newfoundland and Labrador Eva Aariak Nunavut Kathleen Wynne Ontario


Image Forget 'Panda Cam', an HD Stream of Earth Is Coming Soon When the Sisterhood Attacks: The Cautionary Tale of Colonel Lynette Arnhart Hint of Dark Matter Found Using $2 Billion Cosmic Ray Detector

Gary Low - La Colegiala (Extended Disco Fast Version)

Image Moms Mabley - "Abraham, Martin & John" (Merv Griffin Show 1969) Giant Inkjet Printers Might Be the Secret to Cheap OLEDs

Ford video bigger than Michael Jackson's Beat It?

clip courtesy of CTV news at Noon/Toronto Star

Progressive Conservatives Karmic Debt is Payback

Karmic Lib vibes of the past have come back to burn the Cons. Libs spent money on keeping the country together with a digital clock count down on Sherbrooke streets, Group Action and then a big cake downtown park Metcalfe between ste Catherine and Rene Levesque. Fast forward corruption extortion payouts rat outs crack sell outs yes it was sustainable during the 911 years the stanch, hard-boiled western representation of a corporate and militant Canada. Wagging the finger at how irresponsible the world economy was just proudly presenting how we staved off the previous recessions. Climate and environments infrastructure, the increase of poverty, mental health, addictions, and crime rise as "its a big city" has justified the the initiation of capitalistic views and hard line investments from who no one knows, except that we pay a tax to them for it. It hasn't been spent well and has been not enough then to cut much needed programs and infrastructure. NDP was just the...

Fear Of A Black Planet..Whoops! I Mean President

Best punch line of the week was calling out the Republican Tea Party Hardliners as " The American Taliban" on The Newsroom. Peas, beans, nibbles of corn, does beef oxen work? The lentils are familiar and don’t really care either way as it was still grained, rumored to sacrifice for grace.  Better than being wasted by nature of the wild orderly beasts. Some carrots and provision fulfill it duty by binding the molecular masses on their imposition.  The choice is yours. Water ferments steam from the fire of an electric liquid boil, still rooted from the grounds core.  We are grounded because we are in near most perfect atmosphere to walk on earth without floating off and keep our food down to metabolize.  Outer space breaks all of our psychical molecular being down, cell by c...

coming up ....The problem of racism will be solved in our times. Guaranteed by me.

Image and then there's "trouvez l'error"... It’s Time For African-American Men to Wake Up

Urokz The BeaT Generation : The "Black male" issue. The quest for historical peace

11:27 sec on The Word  Colbert Reports on the White Experience need to get more black senators a solution? It’s actually much better than it was 1865. Demographic of age median Boomers vs. Millennial vs. Silent. The history simply shows history did make an impact but why s there's so much complication with race. The thug still exits and it is shared with a Black president in our existence. Not because he was “black” but he was competent. The image for fact is there are incarcerated black men.  Crimes are committed that usually are theft drug related. The motivation behind it is the perception from many our experiences with the same old nigger slur in each of our lifetime, that it is even merits being in the dictionary for the last 500 years as one of the original books of modern language with a worldly acknowledgement of the disgrace behind the term. History shows that like Israelite...

Serial killing of black boys and young black men

The eve of Black History Month for 2013 ended with an abrupt fade out. They were practically still in diapers in the year 2000. 911 was still a year away. Hip Hop was in full effect in culture as a mainstream. The business of cellular and social network still a new horizon. Today I hear of another bang out in Toronto. It wasn't Christian to do such deeds by our grandmothers standards. I grew up in a time when the only identity was being Canadian to assimilate work the best. This was the reason to move the tyranny of that "Independence" which ironically we see has it state now which is just as dire. My Gran used to say back then, 'be a doctor or a lawyer or a teacher or a preacher." Basic programmed instructions. My mom warned me from her experiences in university that it wouldn't be always easy. In Canada while there was no same race riot we had issues in Concordia University c...

Urokz Assad?a troops need to rethink the big pictu

truth! for peace

Aria Maestosa instructed by The Six Million dollar man Kevin

Aria Maestosa and what it could be used for if you are an inspiring music composer. Kevin (The Six Million dollar man) shows us how to play the music you recorded. The recoding track, user manuel is easy, basically print your musical score, your composed music (background), a band to go ,even karaoke back up! Donation are always good for the freeware!

Aria Maestosa instructed by The Six Million dollar man Kevin

Aria Maestosa and what it could be used for if you are an inspiring music composer. Kevin (The Six Million dollar man) shows us how to play the music you recorded. The recoding track, user manuel is easy,  basically print your musical score, your composed music (background), a band to go ,even karaoke back up! Donation are always good for the freeware!

Aria Maestosa instructed by The Six Million dollar man Kevin

Aria Maestosa and what it could be used for if you are an inspiring music composer. Kevin (The Six Million dollar man) shows us how to play the music you recorded. The recoding track, user manuel is easy,  basically print your musical score, your composed music (background), a band to go, even karaoke back up! Donation are always good for the freeware!

Aria Maestosa music compostition software app instructions

Aria Maestosa and what it could be used for if you are an inspiring music composer. Kevin (The Six Million dollar man)shows us how to play the music you recorded your composed music (background), a band to go, even karaoke back up!

The Geneology of Jesus

Recently, quite all of a sudden I have been reading on the geneology of Jesus of aka Emmanuel. If His DNA is in all of us well there a food for thought. 2. Could His ressurection be cloned? 3. Who is a likely candidate and lests say the Shroud only exists as a material yet maybe not miraclesly ..stale?.. coming up

Native Canadian Center 50th Anniversary (playlist)


Conversation with Justin Trudeau @ UOFT Reichmann Theatre

Image Urokz VLOG Hosts Semra Sevi and Jonathan Scott of University of Toronto Liberals,  have Converstaion with Justin Trudeau. Q and A: On Stephen Harper's fear on French, bringing First Nation Natives, making tough decisions, Not layering  more on Bill 101, Pipeline. Event held  at Reichmann Theatre (Earth Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, 22 Russell Street Toronto, Ontario M5S3B1 CANADA Voice +1 416 978 3022. FAX +1 416 978 3938) Event organised by

Conversation with Justin Trudeau @ UOFT Reichmann Theatre

Image Urokz VLOG  Urokz VLOG Hosts Semra Sevi and Jonathan Scott of University of Toronto Liberals,  have Converstaion with Justin Trudeau. Q and A:on the last election, Jean Charest nine years Quebeckers were tired, provincial elections in Alberta, and Quebec wanted change. Fixing broken bridges. Event held at Reichmann Theatre (Earth Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, 22 Russell Street Toronto, Ontario M5S3B1 CANADA Voice +1 416 978 3022. FAX +1 416 978 3938) Event organised by

Conversation with Justin Trudeau @ UOFT Reichmann Theatre

Image Urokz VLOG Hosts Semra Sevi and Jonathan Scott of University of Toronto Liberals,  have Converstaion with Justin Trudeau. Q and A: Justin Trudeau speaking at UOFT about the way to get young people to vote is by listening to them and encouraging them to volunteer. Thanking the audience! Appreciating their support! Event held at Reichmann Theatre (Earth Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, 22 Russell Street Toronto, Ontario M5S3B1 CANADA Voice +1 416 978 3022. FAX +1 416 978 3938) Event organised by