Serial killing of black boys and young black men

The eve of Black History Month for 2013 ended with an abrupt fade out.

They were practically still in diapers in the year 2000. 911 was still a year away. Hip Hop was in full effect in culture as a mainstream. The business of cellular and social network still a new horizon.

Today I hear of another bang out in Toronto. It wasn't Christian to do such deeds by our grandmothers standards.

I grew up in a time when the only identity was being Canadian to assimilate work the best. This was the reason to move the tyranny of that "Independence" which ironically we see has it state now which is just as dire.

My Gran used to say back then, 'be a doctor or a lawyer or a teacher or a preacher." Basic programmed instructions. My mom warned me from her experiences in university that it wouldn't be always easy. In Canada while there was no same race riot we had issues in Concordia University computer sciences program and Rosie Douglas in 1969.

The challenges my mother faced are but a quiet revolution in a time, even to see another Black was a reassurance that well not everyone in that school would kill ya.
In 1977, with that struggle behind her my mother graduated with a Bachelor of Arts.

I recall my aunt from Queens visited us, telling us disturbing stories of Son of Sam and crazy NYers on the subway.
Back then playing hockey like Lafleur, speaking french, interracial relationships was way to fit in despite the odd nega-tive encounter.
The white wash was a result of the image that Canadian black as well as international learned post civil rights. We were mostly "uncle Tomed" to not dare emulate our southern cousins.

In Montreal, all we had was a few bad bikerish, shamocky, keep it in da family" type of corruption. For a black to even consider organizing such activity would have been straight deportation or jail, or an offer one had to be bad arsed for to survive as it was certain they would do the destined time inside. All in the name of  peers, camaraderie, respect, even the material payoffs. The seventies was about really fitting in.
Our deal with the devil stated with few hard core vagabonds. Usually they had problems with their identity and just didn't connect with other blacks. Few notorious to even be racist of black themselves. Especially from within the organised crime world as there is already much segregation. Initiation was brutal and proving resilience was the only way to stay alive.

One guy I remember , a black dude, quite dark, strained in almost invincible pose in a Montreal shopping mall. He hung out there frequently. He would stand there looking for a fight against "niggers". He would be vocal among shoppers. He preached on his allegiance to his white power affiliation,  "All niggers should be enslaved by the white man as we commit most of the wrong, etc" This dude was ready to take on any other brotha since he hung out with skinheads.After all it wasn't Harlem, USA or the Bronx, or West Side.
Assimilation meant staying true to his take on being a patriotic Canadian. Which was not remotely the Afro centric affirmative action nineties.

When a black restaurant owner was killed by another so called convicted jealous entrepreneur in the 70s' law was not a high priority for forensics or investigation unless it was to catch and put away the black culprit. The gold chain stabbings in the 80s' Even organized gang leadership has to be held respectful if they have families and mothers sister but the law is weak. The society and government really couldn't care since the welfare state and regions were developing to slowly ghettoise while Europeans and Anglos were moving out to better fresher cleaner suburbs.

Only the hard working black families thriving on communion and resilience, even to ignore other black associates or family was to raise above for their own families interests for generations to yet come.
Many didn't have it so easy under welfare, educational, social binds.

Afro run businesses and organisations such as Caribana , Reggae fest  helped Canada's immigration since 1967' Expo year in full effect. Still today industrial areas are few but still remain in restricted conditions politically.

They were the few to get intertwined high profile like Freeway Ricky Ross in LA. By that time immigration slipped under the radar to which squeezed in some fugitives like anywhere else in the 80's but strangely failed to acknowledged much of the "black" runnings from Carib to Canada. Maybe it was a counter productive. That was when the gold drug rush of street business and activity began. Many government funded housing from the previous 15 to 20 years previous had been run down to a ghetto mentality as the neighborhoods dried up in resources and opportunity. The drop out rate climbed with inner city teen pregnancy  Usually in the same hoods as community was that housing complex. Profile Cops also bribed many brothers to work till they became junkies. Some you might still see on the street old and desolate. Stripped long ago of dignity for a past I so far wont choose.

Abacus training
Are African Female Techpreneurs Lagging Behind?: via HuffPost
We need to feel inclusive but we need a change of mindset. We need to regain the trust of society. Society in Canada needs to open up also. We mixed more than many other communities as no restrictions on marriage.Or an honor per say

There is some fascination with the mixed Robin Hoodesque underdog message. The hard work ethic and ridicule isn't worth it. They want respect which is not just attitude or personality but literally a verbal affirmation that they can do anything they want to achieve. That is the "North"American dream and we still see it. Then image is the problem.

Then black boy went missing in 1982. Only once his friend, who was Quebecois also had disappeared it was considered as grave as a "serial killer". The case not yet solved..

Maybe one possible solution is the example that was set in the 90's when there was a higher rate of  murders among our own in turf warfare in Los Angeles. Gang leaders under get this some government persuasion to set some example of truce. Was that payoff blessed in the package of solving the problem by expression through the message of gangster rap? The message from non nonsensical to violent and bigoted rant.
Same like today it is about survival of the fittest.

American influential system
Many Afro millionaires for example are established worldwide, though the numbers are different in Canada and modest in comparison to the US. Yet, many still feel like that just wont happen yet. They see how dissed they are when their rap is not getting any recognition so stay with what works once again what we see in the
After church Sunday to garner the greater evil of beauty and lust. possibly there was some motivation of the Canadian dream.

Other organized don't with exception cartels Serial killing something could do something more sinister. What is the motif, the attraction. The intention and psychological education behind the act of accepted cultural terror.

Boycott hip hop time for everyone to understand and reinvent We don't need leader I was weened on America what we need is a break not after school shit that out pays g running what was the target market for Roots in Canada Evil. Then society buys into our ignorance. What if the killer is not the black stereotype
Porters, Demonstration on what went wrong then if it had been many white women recent assaults the law enforcers would be way more helpful to the full extent of the law. Even women still are subject to injustices legally. Then there are other misfortunes of other gross crimes, Pickton in BC, the most recent RCMP sex assaults Quebec, and latest Aboriginal school of corpses.

The big picture will be as this is an insult to Black History month.The history is far irrelevant in the sense that the confidence is not the same. These divisive culture, the constant dancing , and jigga ism, the humor, resonates way more seriously here in Canada. Alexander Lincoln was Canada's, leader in arms fought in the second war and yet I was amazed not to see but just a handful of bi racial and women pay homage to his wake. I was like someone strange the looks of what would be this guys interests in coming here? Aboriginals Alberta, reserves.
Our global scale image all the way to Africa seems always burdensome. Whites would have a right to be fed up not like they really haven't tried to help support the donations. They know where they stand in their sincere consciousness.

Gangs in schools help by bullying to join in fear of retaliation, also know as protection. This is why we don't have leadership in the positive.
Its not like in our interest about leaders, the other morning that interview segment was still a stale mate the same thing the same open ended answers, she spoke so eloquently I forgot to understand what she was trying to say which was the industry all the way up to political does not really open those doors the programs, the way we speak, the way we walk west Indian stereotypes need to change. To a contemporary existences. That is a definite road block. Call centers. Other races aren't as troublesome yet still made some oxymoron of contribution erg. construction. we have food reggae fast cars and an attitude. We never really had a struggle yet we put too much into system that doesn't really release us. The options are limited and the motivation is less because they don't believe it.

Affirmative action never really caught on here. The black schools? Not like we have a way to really understand heritage from a genetic perspective we are so spread out so black in Africa is different. Where do we really fit in? Black cops are few what is the motive?
not everybody could Be beautiful or rich or popular. Our people of that does not really resonate like Justin Bieber for example.

"Comparison is not about numbers, 50 times more Americans . A black leader or mentor wont make a difference. Is corporate Canada responding, maybe some food for thought would whites be ready a young black youth to run for a seat in parliamentary office? What would that take ? Are they inclusive to a black democratic caucus as the states. A welfarisation funded by govt could dictate out agenda. Leadership gets money. Who is right to speak? that also is a big problem based on money. We need interest in different things a limited view world wide."

Don Meredith

Delvina E. Bernard CACE Executive Director

Our is constantly being told as what is how to speak how to dress. The facts are physical as mostly dialect of black speak is heard with urban drawl, akin to Bostonian  Still Why is it that every time a black person speaks proper English in Canada is doesn't resonate as " this is how most contemporary educated at least to grade school level talk" . People smirk. We say don't mind them but there are those whose will and instinct is misguided and they wont put up with that kind of intellectual fight especially when the odds are high.

Michael Strahan sounds like most Afros on Live but yet his personality is sold as big and black as he is as a family man that could be goofy and have real people discussion with an attractive young married Kelly Ripa.
The ratings are good. I wonder what on earth house people think at home while watching this interracial hot duo make sublime humor. James Earls Jones, Sidney Portier, Eatha Kitt, Rosa Parks, Malcom X, Levar Burton, Denzel, Cheadle, Whoopi are a few examples of everyday people with personalities that choose to rise above the stereotype by life experience and action to dare to excel and be different, which was conditioned normal to them. Continued by learning and association with what the world offered to teach those artists outstanding.
Without the stereotype of the typical black male. Now I'm not sayin' that's all but how surprised many like Obamaesque intellectuality exist among male and female Afros. Many bought into long ago to believe our own fates. In social reality and esteem. Living underclass meaning straight up welfare generations of families have tried but now with an education system that is so out of touch to open those doors" IE more law, sciences, not music or basketball incentives. Afro centrism has to be redefined .

Meanwhile maybe our  youth really need a reality check on what really exists out there before we do the favor of killing our young black boys out. Like we really need to peace out.


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