
Showing posts with the label Electronic Games


Ode to Code..eventually learning code will evolve to drag and drop app baby building blog blocks(formally known as MS DOS and before that 101010..) for something simpler with nano terabytes provided from CERN "matter"and sun, where you simply ask the smart drone Phablet screen for what you want and it ports (now formally known as 3 dimensional print, formally carbon stencil paper..) to your virtual hologram mail. Never too late to learn The abacus or arithmetic of course as cursive writing takes a bow..relic of the ink and lead, and requiem to expression of the past 20th Century. Will Human Teleportation Ever Be Possible ?

SUMMER of SIMS Flight passion space games on freeware!!

Orbiter  2010 -  Space  Shuttle Atlantis STS-129 Launch - Real Time  Simulation FlightSim.Com  - Help For New Flightsimmers Simulation Games Free Downloads for all SUMMER TRIALS!! Vehicle Simulator!!! llan Papini brilliant fast paced answer to  independent  robotics! Flight Gear This article is dedicated to the simulation players hunger for a surreal mental break into a virtual world where you could pretend to be a pilot of a Boeing 777 jumbo jet or an alien pilot of a UFO, a virtual free spirit of the west! Going in any virtual direction across plains, terrains almost anywhere in the planet! It took me approximately, 5 hours to read through the PDF manual flight instruction during a  few late night coffees and curious trial and error. I carefully dabbed my keypad keys to find what could take the flights zooming off but like a simulation pilot you best follow patience to understand how...

Vehicle Simulator Age for retired Boomers!

Vehicle Simulator is inexpensive simulation packets add-ons by Ilan is THE $!! I am so loving this investment and customer service, definitive challenging for co ordination and meditative appeal. Quality Simulations Library is worth the singing up, as there are ...100 dreds of planes! crafts , land, ships, life! Need bee the best yet to come would be where a virtual"glasses" could work and of course spacial flight vehicles akin to Orbitor. Full shake up virtual report and technical ease coming up!

FLIGHT GEAR X-PLANE ORBITER 2010 plus other workout APPS

My simulation flying, neuro-robotics review with links and technical written instructions! also I review what I have learning @  AI master class with Berkeley! Buy a flying car today and live the future NOW with Terrafugia! Practice brain skills to fly a UFO or ghost! Go to space like Chris Hatfield! DOWNLOAD ORBITER 2010 FREERIGHT NOW

Serial killing of black boys and young black men

The eve of Black History Month for 2013 ended with an abrupt fade out. They were practically still in diapers in the year 2000. 911 was still a year away. Hip Hop was in full effect in culture as a mainstream. The business of cellular and social network still a new horizon. Today I hear of another bang out in Toronto. It wasn't Christian to do such deeds by our grandmothers standards. I grew up in a time when the only identity was being Canadian to assimilate work the best. This was the reason to move the tyranny of that "Independence" which ironically we see has it state now which is just as dire. My Gran used to say back then, 'be a doctor or a lawyer or a teacher or a preacher." Basic programmed instructions. My mom warned me from her experiences in university that it wouldn't be always easy. In Canada while there was no same race riot we had issues in Concordia University c...

Burning Man: The Decompression Party The Beat Generation Urokz Vlog Feb 16 2013 review and blog

Burning Man: The Decompression Party The Beat Generation Urokz Vlog Feb 16 2013 BURNING MAN TORONTO DECOMPRESSION BEYOND B’AK’TUN had workshops all days and in the evening two rooms of djs and vjs and live performances from JD MACK ROLLIN’ CASH MINETA LIVE BAND THE SPECIAL FORCES FREEDOM DANISH DJ DBOOM ROLO MENTAL FLOSS CYNEX ELIXTR T-MINUS LOCATION: MOSKITO BITE 423 COLLEGE ST. Toronto Ontario M5T 1S9  What else could I say the event was a total blast and I danced my booty off like I hadn't in what fifteen let us say 1996 years I last technically raved a straight dance. The crowd mostly well mixed in age, hipster wouldn't be a fair rating system. More like eclectic  eccentric at best showing art of electronic music at its' best! Workshop Facilitator and Hypnotist

The rise of womens world

The Beat Generation Urokz Vlog President Barack Obama 2nd Inauguration Prayers Barack Obama waves to the camera which might as well be directly to me! :) ! Urokz Simulation and Augmented reality promo is right after!!             Beyonce sings emotional inspirational resilient Star Spangled Banner @ Barack Obama Inauguration. Urokz Vlog January 21st 2013 I am so proud to be part of this new era of positive change! After many a time has passed and many ancestral challenges have passed in the flesh and breath to put us who exists today to live the DREAM. Time for the genders to make peace and love not the war on women. My observations being now over forty, is that Oprah and Donahue somehow indirectly traumatized young men in Western culture, this is not to blame feminism boost in the least for the necessary advancements women needed in that era. When it comes to cultures on dating men just no longer have a clue how to be men. Advert...

Boson Particle fiction or fact?

2500 years looking field tracking to find the source of unknown physical matter in dark matter. It appears that it sould have every element known to our science including the elements that make the five elements for even mortal human to exist. Boson is trying to figure what other elements are in this field of "God" matter. I had a dream of this particle possibly so miniscule to the tip of a needle. Invisible to the naked eye on the tip of my index finger. I gentlely swipe my thumb to create a dark smudge in mid air! The smudge grows slowly like when you see dust particles in light. The more you attempt to fan away or wipe away the dense carbon like matter it grows like in all dimensions! What could stop it? So far like a smudge of ink from a pen this substance cannot be wiped away with spit. Anything you touch will now chalk the air with your inexplicably molecular illusion of thick smoke like unknown eternal black mist. The continuous slow motion of this looks like a bad act...

Canadian scientists create a functioning, virtual brain is it a positive medical breakthrough?

Canadian scientists create a functioning, virtual brain  just add a little soul, some DNA, a gender, what is next? and yes some values! Morals could definately do. I am not sure if I should feel comfortable or jealous for the "brain" as it's could get a ? second chance to be created thinking perfect. I mean with the Supercomputer ready to possibly upload 100 Juices (a cute new way of saying BIG ASS BYTES) of information. Could the pair be a match made in perfect flesh living earth heaven? Once again, the only strange concern I have about all of this is what perfect truth are the humankind looking so damn hard for. Well, ok, cure diseases, but what about behavior? Could we learn from the great new Golden Calf the secrets to life and peace? If so what on earth literally do we call this genie? That still at this point needs to be plugged in the wall. Thank God for free reign of atmospheric molecules like electricity and neurons.

Get ready for a doozie! Dramatic Holiday world events

The UN has granted statehood to Palestine. A draft constitution to a new democracy is in the works by the new temporary Pharoah who has brokered the cease fire. Liberal and Christians are concerned. If  Yassir Arafat, was assasinated by poisoning, if proven then one could only imagine taking this to highest military court. Canada and the US has some retaliation in the works by cutting off aid. Yet most of the world Euro and Eastern leaders are in agreement, the arguement is about once again using the legal strategy of holding Israel accounatble for war crimes. Well, at least it beats having to fight it out, but law it out. The battle for money to impoverish the other or send to serve time. These days it feels like a war on who is the best tribe, or races, to once again, fight for free land and discriminate and again as once again some communites have special interest" groups. aka sometimes community defenders of a silent of often oppresive group. For example when mayflower, new l...

brought to you by DREHAN BLOOR sale & repair ELECTRONICS

brought to you by DREHAN BLOOR sale & repair ELECTRONICS Urokz'vanity card 608 Bloor Street West Toronto, Ontario M6G 1K4 416-588-8949 Crafty young man can is blessed with the gift of turning anything into loaves of bread! Very gifty for the holidays indeed  if he could feed the poor!

Teleportation in effect! Earth to mars and back!?

Craig Venter On Mars DNA Plan: 'We Can Rebuild The Martians' In Earth Lab: via HuffPost As I read this article I could only think "oh oh" this is where it starts to get funky. Taking some kind of matter and beam back it molecular structure by doing some of that good ole space magic. Now space peeps are speaking about using light like a beam to rush that particle back at crazy rates far beyond the speed of light. Now where I feel it might get funky is is it a really good idea to start bringing back all kinds of bacteria and space poop back, I mean if it is matter it must have some regeneration factor to it consistence. Either way there seems to be a recent urgency to get to the facts about our existence. Now that Rover is chilling on the sandy beach of mars. Bathing amongst stale powered h2o.Now could this be the break needed to break up humans psychical cellular and molecular and liquid being to uber nano dust ready to get shot out by a beam ...

Blade Runner part deux

'Blade Runner 2': Ridley Scott Harrison Ford countdown! Yes! The timing and atmosphere is just near perfect for our updated cyber sequel. The first part of Blade Runner back in 198? was a masterpiece that i saw in theatres. The buzz then, was not since Close Encounters or Star Wars had a movie been script been written with the detective gum shoe element. The plot of living for ever being human and making mistakes in a future world polluted in rainfallout. Giant vid ad lights overpower a few fly vehicle shadows. 

Urokz VLOG The Beat Generation : Amanda Todd's suicideonline request for...

RaindanceResist gets straight to the point! Urokz VLOG The Beat Generation : Amanda Todd's suicideonline request for help. Where were you? Published on Oct 13, 2012 by Richard Raybourne Now RaindropsResist, is speaking common sense! Just one thing I cannot help but think of is what about the people that survive? What is that definition of Bullying to the point that we must consider our sensitivities take over our emotions to the point of suicide. True words can most definately hurt more than an actual punch or kick in the stomach. Yet maybe we should ponder is it just human to be mean or are we being just too weak and spoilt a society that we let so many insignificant things like looks and cloths and class get to us. Consider as example. That poor bone staving child in the dessert. She is not thinking of her lipstick, weight, or favorite color of nail design. Her best friend, a boy of the same age most likely, also beyond his dehydration as most days, both go to fetch...

Charlie Brown Christmas Boomers reboot?

Charles Schulz's 'Peanuts' to be animated movie -,0,7412903.story Nov 2015. Charles Brown should be just ready to retire and chill on Obama-care. What animation could best approach this on the big screen. Retrospective in full force! I wonder seriously if it might be the Christmas story version adapted for the big Panaflex camera. There could be some running gags that work. A depression like sparse neighborhood in the inner city. A vagabond Beagle. Latch key bi-polar best friend Linus. Those long walking talking scenes with Linus and Charlie Brown, curious to hear and see that cinematography. I just hope it's made well, keeps contemporary for such troublesome anti hero characters since Woody Allan , and casts the right tonality to keep an untouchable generation interested. Charlie Brownish action figures, LGBTQ Peppermint ? With your next Happy M...

Urokz's Blog The Beat Generation

"Who I am" author Pete Townshend totally hooks us up witty with Jon Stewart last night. Speaking about his old school band The Who, and The  Kinks in a positive light and how today's music industry is better with innovation. Like, #The Beatles and Stones were all good non rival crews. Today one has an enormous avenue of possibilities to seed a dream with technological advantage. Respectively, Townshend, speaks of his old school days on blogsspot. Back sometime, I even remember was like , ten ?  Thirteen years ago? Like, that's the kid on the television commercial right? He comes clean about the appreciation for young talent and computer electronic music. Nice to see all generations coming together on the same beat. October 08, 2012 - Pete Townshend - The Daily Show With Jon Stewart - Full Episode Video | Comedy Central

GTA 4 Stunts 3

I I am totally impressed at seeing how TheDataHero could actually pull this off in GTA 4 Stunts. Looks like one would have to practice endless hours to feel in the right zone to jump, crash, and burn  the other crazy #Simulated robot player in Android.

How to escape a Black Hole in space article from Time

How to Escape from a Black Hole | Science and Space | Urokz's Blog This is a good thing. At least one has a dream that is shared with others that believe that theory. So, of they get some dollars to do such a dream to reality. To possibly save ones bones and ass from being sucked into a black hole. Time travel then only is possible. I would think . I mean humanity has not yet challenged going against gravity as scientific space exploration is working to push forward infinite. Like the sun, how the front door could any object withstand the sun pulling in its flames? That gravitational jigsaw is in the box of the universe. The Black hole a sort of manufacturer? Retailer of something more on the other side. Figuring out how to get there and back would be a duelling task.

Annette Funicello original Mouseketeer MS sufferer in lawsuit over fire

TMZ reports.. W5 Lifts Curtain in World Exclusive: Reclusive Hollywood Legend and MS Sufferer Annette Funicello , Oct. 6 on CTV - Channel Canada After what seems like forever since Annette Funicello last graced the photo lens. For The Tough Generation those born around, now, she was as popular and talented as Christina Aguilera, who also was a former Mouseketeer. I recall going to see her last motion picture with Frankie Avalon, I was a tween always fascinated and had respect and appreciation for many of the entertainers that still had it in them melt into the contemporary trends of the era. The story, of their characters twisting apart after 15 years. The 60s were way gone for the first Boomer wave into what appears to be their early mid forties. The silliness of second guessing what it takes to stay monogamous and in love in 1983. Annette looking tantalisingly radiant and can we...

My passion for virtual flying and the flying car society

Space Mini by Cathy Cardin when you have moment and need to meditate and experience how pidgon life flies in 3D this is survival! From on coming cars to bad weather as you build your nest with twigs ! This is definately an all ages brain and coordination game! The flying coordination is very easy with practice and trust your instinct and birds eye view !