The rise of womens world

Barack Obama waves to the camera which might as well be directly to me! :) ! Urokz Simulation and Augmented reality promo is right after!!  

Beyonce sings emotional inspirational resilient Star Spangled Banner @ Barack Obama Inauguration.
Urokz Vlog January 21st 2013 I am so proud to be part of this new era of positive change! After many a time has passed and many ancestral challenges have passed in the flesh and breath to put us who exists today to live the DREAM.

Time for the genders to make peace and love not the war on women. My observations being now over forty, is that Oprah and Donahue somehow indirectly traumatized young men in Western culture, this is not to blame feminism boost in the least for the necessary advancements women needed in that era.
When it comes to cultures on dating men just no longer have a clue how to be men. Advertising for decades has created gender identification. Pornography taught an era of men how to have sex with women before we lost our virginity. The struggle to give up power and culture, catch 22 marry in ones race to preserve is really necessary? Choosing of birthright for pre destined marriage is also supported by both women and men for traditions. So we could conclude that it is really about gender and man made culture via religion for example. There is defiantly a hang up and it is a sexual one. Feminism for a society of men still feel that it is a threat for their ability to be loved or sexed by a women who is confident with herself and educated as a threat to our physical and sexual existence. Women are not just on this world to exist for sex with men. Men now know that, yet demasculatation by being taught how to be and not be a man, which is just as detrimental to young men's psyche like women being weened on Barbie, bras and hairspray or a promise to be that super mom and still be a woman. Then weight & beauty issues create that teen hormonal angst of self hatred that was already fueled by movies and music. Imagine what that has changed in the un emotional male that is also not taught to be a man". with all the fixins. Which face it men don't really know how or what to do except by what society says is by the "father". "Men should have another man teach how to be a man." Like fatherhood in the last 100 years particularly in generations of Black Afro men and women who were systematically broken up with the politics of enslavement. Eg. (I thought I would never make comparisons..) Samuel L Jackson's character in Django to portray the quintessential nigger sell out which was learned I'm sure out of no choice, like Chicken George of Roots by Alex Haley Jr., the brotha got HIS LEG chopped right off clean from his leg. (Yep, shit went down like that straight up..this is why without due I would say Roots along with Planets of The Apes were the best Black films made ever. but back to the point.).The crimes of sexual exploitation and rapes to say had ultimately worked it way into the psyche of enslaved men and women that lived in squalled oppression. Today we still see this across the planet working everyday as lost boys follow violent dictators drunk in power doing these crimes as some sort of male sexual revolution. I feel simply because the powers that be a trying hard to preserve what they never were. Nurturer, and listener and best friend, and lover. Hunter and gatherer was supposed to be the plan forever but now men have much more choice especially the nice guys to make right. Same sex relationships is the common now also. This wont be an easy transition for the men that haven't or refused to adapt to change because they feel the extinction of tradition under threat.
Now the nature of humans has taken a slow progressive pendulum swung now to the left of peace and progression of women who now know themselves better than history has never written in the books. The evils of the lesser will be just as intense. So this is a reality that our world is going through growing pains of woman world to come.Beyonce sings Star Spangled Banner


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