Afro Fatherhood

Today walking down the street I saw a gentleman. He was about 6'4. Dressed in black ankle length jeans broken sock less shoes beaten from the salt of motors. A puffed out of style female cut black coat he breezes willfully to ask anyone within proximity of his hand out contact for money. Unshaven he still pursues to and manages to occasionally get a loose change or on a good day a five dollars. I have seen this chap do this for years. There is also that gentleman in his graceful years completely carrying a wisdom of deep humility to grovel on the subway floor. Unattainable to even speak with because simply no one generally does speak to him. Where he sleeps at night is not likely a shelter. His skin is earthed and beaten hard possibly many times physically. If not some poison altered his mind to a state that his is living incomprehensible  Yet his heart is beating in his chest. like the living zombies there are many particularly black men that have suffered this fate. Either from return veterans of wars past to ex convicts.
Former children themselves of an abuse or lack of guidance. They if not once had some connection to a family member or an old childhood friend. Many come from no homes provided to them from birth and know of only a formal environment similar to military. Then shipped off to unfortunate lessons life could throw someone way. these are the men that young black men see every day as an example of what they must feel could easily could be themselves in the future.
There are forces out there in full effect to keep it that way. The gun runner is a business that a kid could make way more money than a full time job at a computer shop. These kids are sold on the fact of media selling for the last two decades of believing that to be the top dog like rappers which seriously became an institution is too have street cred which is based on an old time code of silence and hoodlum life. Since the 50's the progressive movement of free speech and art somehow allowed the hypocrisy to play out by influences of the bad underdog. Hollywood can't be blamed alone. Image is everything though for impressionable kids. Somehow those symbols have been created and marketed with full knowledge of what the final out come would be. When Elvis came out his gyrating hips was a send off to black culture. Press and many folks back then called this a nigger dance.The rock and roll era was heavily exploited by white liberals from the marketing of greats people claim are Lennon, Dylan, Marley, Tupac, Joplin. As an example.
By the time music and the code of Alice Cooper NWA Steven Tyler protesting the and encouraging the rating system for music and video games alike. A question of moral compass somewhere down the line didn't happen as attentions where directed towards OJ Rodney King and the beginning of the cruel plot to destroy MJ. The image of the black man was heavily damaged as our age of subconsciousness was jaded. Interrupted with talk of antisemitism because of the Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, Arsenio Hall was booted off the NBC airwaves. Cosby apparently was beat out by Seinfeld. Simply because the support was half massed  Yes there where black doctors with family and it did make a slight difference but a little too late Fresh Prince was more funnier because he did out play a dream skillfully while keeping it real. He wasn't any richer in character and somehow whites and blacks liked that he wasn't a perfect stereotypical black dude. Carlton's character was real new to explore the white black guy that was always ignored until then. Apart from that it was only television not real life for everybody. Miami Vice introduced us to how to make better drug and arm deals every Friday night in the 80's. Then there was COLORS. Our last influence at the end of the 20th century Mohammad Ali was diagnosed with parkinson's. In Canada Ben Johnson scandal with steroids bust Canadian boys bubbles.

If ti wasn't for sports singing gospel and dancing or minimal jobs to work, the black man would hardly make due. I consider these times a Post Trauma disorder on the Black male identity.There value in life is being question daily form the reaction one gets walking in a store to being profiled because of dress that is sold already with a not so great image of swank bling or bad. There is no identity because the one that exists now was literally fabricated and weened a generation of babies of most Afro culture to accept as will. These young kids identified and this also started to include white poor kids also. Eminem set the standard as well as Fred Durst. so now it was as common and once again even in abject poverty somehow where ghettoized along the way. not the first time. the Irish and Italians were notorious in the 20th century for helping the ghetto for a price to protect. Blacks just could never do that because like the Black Panthers of the 60s' would get assassinated for associating with such a movement. FBI approved.
The only option was to work with those oppressive forces for the money and distribute. It is now way too late to un dope a community to sobriety. The income and living offered is simply too good to pass.

instinctual survival was taught by our own mothers to find our manhood. In grained is the culture of insensitivity, jealous and bias. Black men learn this from the first encounter with a bigot at one time or another. There was a time we were pitted against each other when it came to job promotions. Obama is the first example of what it took to achieve his destined goal. He studied law in Harvard among which is an absorbed bunch of intellectuals. Aristocratic at best. The job description of a lawyer? Clearance Thomas.

Re education shouldn't be about just history of the past sacrifices and genius but examples of strategy on proven strategies that work. The mind set has to be changed to understand that competition even among kin is healthy.

The justice system has not be quite fair with men in the past. On relationships based on fatherhood marriage was the biggest tie breaker to oblige a dad. The collection of the dead beat. The acceptance of the live in experience co ha biting is questionable. Law requires that a woman has free choice to abort or keep a fetus. Not any man generally in North America has any right to make an influence in that choice. If that woman decided to keep the fetus, what about the father? Of course keep because of love what if the love has vanished because maybe the partner had sensitivity issues. Especially a man with no real understanding of emotions to begin with. So let us say how do we stop this pattern? Keep it real. These men were born likely very spoilt adored by women in the family. Grandma, aunt etc Male figures well that goes back to the ID of the mythical black man.

A dear high school and Facebook female friend of mine asked a serious question about helping her brother in law who is servery depressed from a divorce. His eighteen year old son he has in split custody. His wife and daughter starting a new life with a new step man. Brother in law was dumped. The son now living with his girlfriend at her mothers place frequently.
My friend is helping by providing her brother in law son with some money and shelter on different schedules.
He is also feeling this separation hard and is just starting to show signs of depression his girlfriend says

My response:
"Mental health over all is priority. The gentleman (brother in law) is apparently suffering severe depression and it should be addressed as soon as possible! An emergency visit to the hospital would be the best route to beat time. There should be no shame as many that survive crap do this every day. Once this is addressed this should give the father a chance to recover. I learned the reality of having a sick parent and it was just not cool and definitely affected my life. I am a survivor of a single household and it could work.
As for the boy he should also get some therapy as soon as possible because this IS affecting him also. If the mother and sister wish to participate sure but from what I am hearing from you letter is the ex wants to move on with her new beau. 
These are real situations that merit action if you choose to help and put your time energy and money into helping you’re… in law.
Real heart to heart talks is a partial cure to the puzzle. Your Godson needs inspiration right now as he is 18. Also he must get ready to accept manning up and being accountable and responsible in a tough, changing world ahead. Yes a woman CAN teach a young man how to be a man with good intentions and real truths about how some or many women COULD be on an emotional and mental level. Which is not perfect also. Now he has a girlfriend and stays at the mother. Mother finances…well...that is just trouble as the relationship is going to be challenged by the need to feed the heart. What if this chick gets knocked then what? They obviously are having sex at home, remember 18 plus? There is always that moment a girl somehow says...”its ok…its ok...ITS OK! Don’t worry...yadayada”...see where I'm coming from?
Then 2 vulnerable depressed men launch off into madness. Kidding aside though violence to oneself or others arises from being ignorant of mental health.
In the meantime C, you are a strong blessed woman, with the guidance of the Lord to guide you. He made you ask out loud!"

to be cont..


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