
Showing posts with the label medical breakthroughs


In Da Hood Fer Real!!! 2013 I read was the year of anger in an angry decade in a jaded post traumatic century. I wrote an article previously on the appreciation of the good Whites that have contributed to the abolishment of slavery and equal rights. If it wasn't so our reality of the immediate & present state we claim we live in cyber age peace. To backtrack on history. The American revolution

Urokz The Beat Generation: Who knows?

Kinect: the end of the type keyboarding era by  PrimeSense  now in this "future" age! Props to The West gang with North! Prince William grown up for real real! From the day you registered for a social insurance number, or an email address with one of the landmark titan servers of the era namely Netscape, your electronic information has always been compromised.  I recall in the year 1988 when I first saw electronic mail come to be screened in pale ms dos font running right off some word processor from Lloyds Electronics. A telephone line was needed in order to receive the "buzzwewow" fibre optic sound to fax the visible screen information post scripted on the screen with around 2  to 5 sentences. Today the confusion most likely started with the eventually "meme" produced Rob "base' Ford video that most likely doesn't exist. This was an undercover reason for the ...

FLIGHT GEAR X-PLANE ORBITER 2010 plus other workout APPS

My simulation flying, neuro-robotics review with links and technical written instructions! also I review what I have learning @  AI master class with Berkeley! Buy a flying car today and live the future NOW with Terrafugia! Practice brain skills to fly a UFO or ghost! Go to space like Chris Hatfield! DOWNLOAD ORBITER 2010 FREERIGHT NOW


Time travel in reality only film the variant of reality vs. projection? But how thought we capture..the essence of spirit? So your saying we video living spirits? The flesh. Time Travel is possible online! The cyber after  life who controls it? They have all genetic information to reprogram and  molecularity clone you back. One problem. One corrupt party stats to alter everyday clones into a superior being. The clones have no soul!” The existing humans need to survive or the world will turn into a cyber ghost town.  Which would inevitably work against it self  by over information to destroy the universe. Mathematically starting with earth as all is being re written by the super brain simulation. Who could save the planet and fate of the world? When everything is run by the super brain  that knows how to get its own energy from the sun Its like these clones have a connection to these genetic codes as if was a blood re...

Afro Fatherhood Today walking down the street I saw a gentleman. He was about 6'4. Dressed in black ankle length jeans broken sock less shoes beaten from the salt of motors. A puffed out of style female cut black coat he breezes willfully to ask anyone within proximity of his hand out contact for money. Unshaven he still pursues to and manages to occasionally get a loose change or on a good day a five dollars. I have seen this chap do this for years. There is also that gentleman in his graceful years completely carrying a wisdom of deep humility to grovel on the subway floor. Unattainable to even speak with because simply no one generally does speak to him. Where he sleeps at night is not likely a shelter. His skin is earthed and beaten hard possibly many times physically. If not some poison altered his mind to a state that his is living incomprehensible  Y...

The Beat Generation February 5 2013 Black History recognises white contribution

the problem with legalisation vs probition of weed. Are the doctors legalised pushers? Black historymonth I choose to celebrate the other ethnicities and whites that contributed to the Afro civil rights cause women in war vs prostitution guns the indoor pool Good day! My name is Richard Raybourne, and I am whole heartedly interested in your endeavors to bring neuro technology, simulation, and augmented reality and health sciences to the masses finally! Digital Roots I am 44 years old and was born in Montreal, Quebec Canada. I am part of the last generation xers born pre digital tech and played with "The Six Million Dollar Man" set, Pong, Electronic Quarterback  (1980 coleco)!!, Digital Derby (1977), original Astro Blaster champion 1979, Pinball of course, The LCD digital watch (red digits 76') . Our generation cre...

Canadian scientists create a functioning, virtual brain is it a positive medical breakthrough?

Canadian scientists create a functioning, virtual brain  just add a little soul, some DNA, a gender, what is next? and yes some values! Morals could definately do. I am not sure if I should feel comfortable or jealous for the "brain" as it's could get a ? second chance to be created thinking perfect. I mean with the Supercomputer ready to possibly upload 100 Juices (a cute new way of saying BIG ASS BYTES) of information. Could the pair be a match made in perfect flesh living earth heaven? Once again, the only strange concern I have about all of this is what perfect truth are the humankind looking so damn hard for. Well, ok, cure diseases, but what about behavior? Could we learn from the great new Golden Calf the secrets to life and peace? If so what on earth literally do we call this genie? That still at this point needs to be plugged in the wall. Thank God for free reign of atmospheric molecules like electricity and neurons.

Get ready for a doozie! Dramatic Holiday world events

The UN has granted statehood to Palestine. A draft constitution to a new democracy is in the works by the new temporary Pharoah who has brokered the cease fire. Liberal and Christians are concerned. If  Yassir Arafat, was assasinated by poisoning, if proven then one could only imagine taking this to highest military court. Canada and the US has some retaliation in the works by cutting off aid. Yet most of the world Euro and Eastern leaders are in agreement, the arguement is about once again using the legal strategy of holding Israel accounatble for war crimes. Well, at least it beats having to fight it out, but law it out. The battle for money to impoverish the other or send to serve time. These days it feels like a war on who is the best tribe, or races, to once again, fight for free land and discriminate and again as once again some communites have special interest" groups. aka sometimes community defenders of a silent of often oppresive group. For example when mayflower, new l...

Annette Funicello original Mouseketeer MS sufferer in lawsuit over fire

TMZ reports.. W5 Lifts Curtain in World Exclusive: Reclusive Hollywood Legend and MS Sufferer Annette Funicello , Oct. 6 on CTV - Channel Canada After what seems like forever since Annette Funicello last graced the photo lens. For The Tough Generation those born around, now, she was as popular and talented as Christina Aguilera, who also was a former Mouseketeer. I recall going to see her last motion picture with Frankie Avalon, I was a tween always fascinated and had respect and appreciation for many of the entertainers that still had it in them melt into the contemporary trends of the era. The story, of their characters twisting apart after 15 years. The 60s were way gone for the first Boomer wave into what appears to be their early mid forties. The silliness of second guessing what it takes to stay monogamous and in love in 1983. Annette looking tantalisingly radiant and can we...